Chapter 8

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Kataras P.O.V

That was so embarrassing... That didn't happen!!! Me and Zuko never.... Hooked up!!

I felt my whole face turn red and my stomach fluttering with butterflies.... I looked at Toph who was laughing her butt off and Sokka snickering with Suki. I saw Zuko who had the same expression as mine, when I looked beside him, Aang was gone. Oh great, this is going to turn into a blood bath between Zuko and Aang.

After the the scene were Azula supposedly killed Aang that time in Ba Sing Se after Zuko betrayed me, it was time for intermission. Thank god! It was the best part of the play...

After we left to go out the theater to stretch our legs, I had to find Aang. When I looked around the theater, he was no where to be found. I went back to the gang, I could hear Sokka complaining about his character still. I mean I couldn't blame him all our characters were lame, except for Toph she loves her character so much.

" Hey has anyone seen Aang?" I asked

" He left to get me fire gummies like ten minutes ago, and I'm still waiting!" Sokka said impatiently and crossing his arms

I looked at Zuko who, wasn't looking at me at all. He avoided me ever since this intermission...

" I'm going to check outside." I said and walked off checking the entrance the back exits and finally the last place was the balcony.

When I went to the balcony, Aang stood there staring off into the ocean. I knew what was bothering him, but I wanted to know what he was feeling. I walked up behind him with my arms crossed holding my biceps, I felt guilty....

" Are you alright?" I asked stopping a few inches away from Aang.

" No... I'm not! I hate this play!" He said as he threw his little pointed hat to the ground, revealing his blue arrow on his head.

" I know it's upsetting but it sounds like you're overreacting." I walked up next to him, and stared into the ocean too. It was a full moon tonight and it looked beautiful.

" Overreacting?! If I hadn't blocked my chakra! I would've probably been in the avatar state right now!" He snapped

" I know, but listen you'll have another chance Aang.. You can't be hard on yourself like that." I said. It was quiet for a while, I know he's gonna bring it up. About the whole Zuko thing..

" Katara.. Did you really mean what you said in there?" and there it goes, time to try and act like I didn't know what he was talking about.

" In where? What are you talking about?" I said trying to sound confused

" On the stage when you said I was just a brother to you and you didn't have feelings for me." His face cringed in anger as he crossed his arms and leaned on the railing.

" I didn't say that.. An actor said that." I said feeling the guilt rising up to my stomach making me feel a little sick.

" But it's true isn't it? We kissed at the invasion, and I thought we were gonna be together. But we're not..." He looked down in sadness and disappointment.. This made me feel worst. I need to come out with it just tell him I can't be in a relationship right now...

" Aang I don't know... If I'm ready to be with anyone right now." I closed my eyes keeping the tears from coming. I crossed my arms again, holding myself.

" Why?! I don't understand. It's like sometimes it seems like you feel the same, but then you don't... Is it because of Zuko!?" He said in frustration.

My eyes opened quick, I didn't know what to say I didn't know what to do. Should I be honest with him?

" Aang I-" I was gonna say something before Aang cut me off

" I knew it... Ever since you and Zuko came back from that journey he's been looking at you all weird and you've been doing the same..." He looked away giving me the cold shoulder

" Aang.. I don't want to be in a relationship right now ok! So much is happening and I just can't handle- " before I could finish Aang turned around pushing his lips against mine forcefully. I stood there in shock and pushed him away.

" What are you doing?! Aang I just said I wasn't ready to be with anyone right now ok!" I turned around and walked back in the theater, frustrated and upset I just didn't know anymore...

When Aang kissed me not to long ago. I felt nothing...

I loved Aang... But not the way he wants me to.

I walked back in the theater, seeing that the play already started. I didn't care what I missed I just couldn't think straight right now. I sat next to Zuko avoiding eye contact with him or Aang...

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