Chapter 9

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Zuko P.O.V

The play was terrible... Worst play ever.

We have a couple of days till the Comet comes, and Aang needs all the training he needs.

Days later I still trained the Avatar fire bending. He has been improving day by day, but there are needs for improvement. Since I know what my fathers plans are to burn down Ba Sing Se, Aang needs the practice.

" More ferocious! Imagine striking through your opponents heart!!" I yelled

" Ugh! I'm trying!" Aang said frustratingly

" Now let me hear you roar like a tigerdilo!!!" I ignored

" Roarrr.." He roared weakly... That was pathetic...

" That sounded pathetic! I said Roar!!!" I demanded.

" ROAR!!!!!!" He yelled and fire came from his fists and mouth.

Katara came out carrying a glass of water melon juice.

" Who wants a nice cool glass of watermelon juice?" She said happily

" OH! OH! MEEE!" Aang said happily trying to run to Katara but I successfully grabbed him before he took off.

" You're not done training yet!" I said angrily

" Zuko he needs a brake and so do you... A break won't hurt." Aang managed to get out of my grip.

" He needs to train Katara! There's no time to have fun... If you guys wanna sit around here like a bunch of snailsloths then go ahead!" I snapped at her

I sat by the end of the steps frustrated. How could they just take a break like this the Comet is days away, and we are sitting here doing nothing!

" Zukos right sitting around has made us pretty lazy..." Thank you Sokka for coming to your senses!

" So what should we do?" Toph asked

" BEACH PARTY!!!!" Sokka yelled and ran in the house

As everyone else went in the house managed to grab Katara.

" Katara, we need to train. The comet is days away! You have to understand." I said calmly still holding her wrist. Katara stepped closer to me which made my stomach flutter a little.

" Zuko I know. But we need a break, and you do too. Have fun with us... Please" she smiled. I got frustrated, and angry, how can they just do nothing right now!

" Just go.. Have fun. I can't." He let go of her wrist and turned my face

" What is your problem? It's like you've been avoiding me..." She said sadly

" Katara... I feel terrible for liking you ok! I like you Katara of the Southern Water tribe, and I can't get you out of my head. But I feel terrible because Aang is in love with you, and I can't get in the middle of that." I closed my eyes in anger, blanching my hands

" Zuko... I... I like you too... But I can't be with anyone right now.... I'm confused and there's so much on my mind right now. " she said

" You like me? Like, like me like me?" I turned around with my eyes wide open

" Yes.... But I'm not ready to be with anyone right now.." She turned around looking away from me.

" Then I'll wait... I'll wait to see who you choose." I said happily

" Ok..." She said and walked away. That made me happy, but I still was pretty angry that everyone is having fun and not focusing. I have a plan...

I watched from the cliff watching everyone swim and make things out of sand. While Katara was riding on the waves with her ice board, she looked beautiful....

You're getting distracted Zuko!! I took my eyes off of her and saw Aang building a sand sculpture of Appa. I'm going to have my chance soon, if he's ready then he better show me his skills.

And what in the world did Sokka make?! A blubber monster?! I snapped out of it and took this chance.

I bended fire at the ugly sculpture making sand fly everywhere. I jumped from the cliff and threw rapid shots of fire. I him with the routines I've been teaching him, seeing if he is able to win this fight with my father. But he gave up so quickly blasting me off the side of the house with a gush of air.

Boy did that hurt...

I heard people running up to me, inhaling and exhaling rapidly.

" What's wrong with you? You could've hurt Aang!?" Katara yelled at me. I could've hurt Aang? I would've hurt Aang! And why is she concerned for him?! I'm the one who got hurt here! I got up furiously running my head.

" What's wrong with me?! What's wrong with all of you?! How could you sit around, having beach parties when Sozins Comet is only three days away!? " I yelled back as all of them started looking guilty. But they gave me this look, like I was going crazy about it... I mean I have the right to! I'm training the avatar for god sakes!

" Why are all of you looking at me like I'm crazy?" I asked

That's when they said they decided to wait till the comet passes... Why couldn't they tell me this in the first place!! So I told them what my fathers plan was, now they know that they have no choice but to fight when the comet comes....

" We have no choice do we? We have to begin training. Now.." Suki said

" We're starting today... And I have a perfect place where we can train." Sokka grinned

It wasn't far from here, it was big and good for battle training. It was like heaven for Toph, rocks everywhere!!

Sokka told us the plan, Toph is the fire lord chucking flaming rocks at us, Suki and Sokka are going to be going straight forward fighting of any thing Toph throws at us, and me and Katara are going to going around hitting the 'fire lord' from the side, and Aang is going to swoop down while everyone is busy and finish him off.

" Ok everyone in their places." Sokka yelled and left with Suki. While Toph went to get boulders to find to throw at us. And Katara and I went to hide in our spots too.

" I hope Sokkas plan works..." Katara said as she peaked over the boulder we were hiding behind

" It will, but the real fight won't be nothing like this..." I said

" Hopefully it'll be easier. Especially for Aang..." She closed her eyes and sat next to me.

" Katara.... Will there be a chance that you and I will be together?" I asked her

" Can I tell you something?" She asked and I nodded

" When we were alone in Ba Sing Se, for some reason I felt connected with you more than Aang and I didn't know why... After you betrayed me, I wasn't only mad at you for stabbing me in the back, but because I figured out later on that we had so much in common, and I wanted to help you find your way. And also I wanted to to help me find mine too. " She looked at me and smiled innocently

" I wished I never hurt you back then... Those were one of the things I regretted. Now that I know my true feelings for you, I can't get you out of my head." I put my hand on her cheek.

" Zuko..." She said before I kissed her lips slightly.

This was the moment I've been waiting for...

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