Chapter 24

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Zukos P.O.V

Hours past, and Katara was fast asleep. I was pretty nervous that she slept up here. There's nothing on the sides to block her from falling if she decides to toss and turn a lot, but good thing she slept still. It was pretty chilly out here and Katara started to shiver, I wish I could get her a blanket but it was to far.

I put the reins down quickly and scooped her up in my arms and sat her down on my lap. I grabbed the reins quickly and pulled Appa straight, as he started flying to the left. I made Katara lay down on my right arm and my left arm laid on her hips. I warmed my body up, hoping she will feel more comfortable. Minutes later her shivering ceased, and she turned her body towards me. Her head leaned on my chest, and her hand rubbed my chest. I felt my cheeks heat up and I smiled widely. I looked at her face and smiled even more, I wanted to kiss her so badly. It would be terrible of me to kiss her now when she is vulnerable, but I couldn't help it. I took my left hand and slid it on her right cheek and rubbed it back and fourth with my thumb. I then moved my index and thumb down her jaw and then under her chin, I then rubbed her chin softly and became mesmerized by her beauty.

Her skin glowed under the moon light, and her lips looked soft and smooth. She didn't need makeup to look beautiful or pretty clothes to look better than the other girls. She looked amazing as she is, she was a warrior. My warrior at least.

I leaned her chin up and leaned down, feeling her sweet breath against my lips. I knew I wanted to kiss her, but I didn't want her to be upset at me. Of course I didn't care though, I needed her kisses..

I leaned in and finally our lips touched, every time I kissed her it felt like the very first time. I felt the heat in my body rise up and my stomach began to drop. I let my lips flow into hers, she didn't kiss back for she was fast asleep. But I didn't care....

I then lifted my head up and looked at her, she was still out of it.

" Katara.... I love you..." I whispered

I kissed her forehead and looked into the sky and at the ground, seeing we are on the right track still.

Hours passed and I have no clue how far we were, but I did see a town below us. It looked familiar, so we must be close. I looked around to see smoke from the bottom moving up, they're moving to the firenation I know it! We are really close, maybe 4 more hours away. At least it gives Katara more time to rest and hopefully if we have enough time we can stop by a lake and give Appa a rest too.

The sky began to lighten and we were already in the fire nation. The coronation isn't starting yet, but Sozins Comet will arrive soon. I hope everything will go as planned, and Aang does everything he can to defeat my father.

I landed near a river in the woods, so Appa can get some rest, eat and whatever flying bisons do. We had enough time and the palace was only a few minutes away. When we landed Katara immediately woke up, and looked around.

" Where are we?" She asked sleepily as she rubbed her eyes and stretched.

" We're in the fire nation, the palace is a few minutes away. We have enough time to rest and give Appa a break." I said

" Yeah. Maybe you wanna train before we get there?" Katara asked

As she got her comb and brushed her beautiful brownish black hair.

" No we are fine. We know what to do, us against her she won't stand a chance." I said

" Ok... Why don't you rest. I have a sleeping bag I packed, you should sleep before we go. You're going to need it." Katara smiled lightly. I smiled back and walked over to Appa and went on his saddle and grabbed the sleeping bag.

I got in it and looked at Katara before I slept.

" Thanks Katara." I said

" No problem. Now stop talking and get some rest." She smiled and headed over to the river next to Appa.

I closed my eyes and fell fast asleep.

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