Chapter 10

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Katara P.O.V

His lips were go warm, and soft. I would pull away right now but it's like my body isn't listening.

Katara don't do this right now! Concentrate, there's going to be a war soon and there's no time to be kissing.

" Zuko... Stop." I pushed him away lightly

" I'm sorry.." He looked down

" No... It's my fault. Zuko I like you. But I can't be with you, not right now. Cause if we do, and you get hurt in this war, I could never forgive myself." I said looking away. I wouldn't forgive myself period if him or Aang got hurt.

" Do you like me, more than Aang?" Zuko asked

" Yes..." I honestly said

" Does Aang know?... " he asked

" I don't know. That time he disappeared during the play, he asked me if I liked you... And I guess it was obvious to him... Then he kissed me and I got mad." I said

" Oh..." He said, before he could say anything else, Toph gave an evil laugh. It was time, let's hope Aang does what he needs to do.

I peaked from the corner to see Sokka and Suki leaving their post. Minutes later Zuko and I did the same, fighting off rock soldiers and dodging flaming boulders.

" NOW AANG!!" Sokka yelled, when Aang came swooping in the air with his staff ready to strike the melon lord on the head, but he froze with his staff inches away from the melon.

" Take him out!!!" Zuko said frustratingly.

What is he doing?

" I can't do it.." Aang said

" What's wrong with you?! If this was the real deal you would've been shot full of lightning right now!!" Sokka yelled at him...

" I Just didn't feel right!" Aang said back. Sokka takes out his sword and slices the melon in half

" That's how it's done." Sokka said and walked passed Aang. Everyone started heading back to the house leaving Aang alone. I couldn't just leave him like that... I turned around walking back to Aang when I felt someone holding my wrist.

" Leave him... He just needs time to think." Zuko said. I pulled my wrist back.

" I can't. I may not like him the way he wants me to, but he's still my friend.... He needs someone to talk to..." I smiled lightly

" Ok... I'll see you back at the house." He said and ran back to the group...

" Aang.. Are you ok?" I walked up to him

" Do I look ok Katara?" He snapped at me

" Aang I'm just here to talk... You need someone to talk to..." I said

" No I don't need you... Why don't you go back to Zuko... I bet he needs you right now." He said harshly

" What is wrong with you?! Is that why you couldn't take the decoy out?! Is because you think I'm with Zuko?!" I yelled at him

" No that's not the reason!!! I just can't kill anyone ok?! I'm not that type of person Katara!! And don't lie to me! I saw you kissing Zuko behind the boulder!" Aang said looking away from me...

I felt guilt rising in my body... I have to tell him.

" Aang I didn't kiss Zuko.. Zuko kissed me. But I can't lie to you about my feelings for him... I like you Aang but not as strong as what you feel for me... But I told Zuko the same thing I told you." I explained

" Just leave me alone..." Aang said waving his hands to shoo me away.. I couldn't do anything else right now. I understand why he's mad, and I felt guilty for doing that to him.

I couldn't stand hurting Aang, nor can I stand hurting Zuko either.....

I can't be with either...

Aang can find someone better..

And hopefully Zuko will be reunited with Mei....

I think that what I want right?

Everyone will be happy


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