Chapter 2

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Kataras P.O.V

I looked at him in disbelief... Is he serious? Is this some type of sick joke?!

I feel like punching him in the throat for this. But... If he does know. I must listen to find the monster that took my mother away from me.

We packed our stuff and was about to leave till I got in an argument with my brother and Aang... It made it even more difficult to leave. So I told Zuko we leave tonight when everyone sleeps...

When we left it was the most disturbing ride ever. Just me and him on Appa alone? I should just end him right now. But I couldn't he knows where this monster is and I need him.

Why did you make me hate you Zuko? Why?! I trusted you! And felt sorry for you and had hope that you had good in you. But you betrayed me. He told me what the plan was and we were only miles away from the tower. It was quiet and awkward.

" Zuko... Why are you doing this." I said while focusing on driving Appa

" I want to show you that I'm not the guy I was before. I'm not going to hurt you Katara..." He said sincerely. I believed him, but part of me still can't trust him.

" You could've been free... Back at Ba Sing Se. You could've been with us, fighting for freedom. But that stupid thing you called 'Honor', that thing that you wanted from you dad. It wasn't real." I said calmly

" I know... I see that now." He said and it became quiet

We arrived at the tower and sneaked our way in. We went into the office where they had all the maps. We got the guard that was drawing one to leave and get enough time to find the map where the Southern Raiders were. When we found it and left.

It was already dawn and I drove still, while Zuko went to sleep. I tried staying awake but, I couldn't I was ready. I was ready to face that man.

" You should get some rest. We will be there in a few hours. You need your strength" I heard Zuko say. It made me jump a little but I didn't care.

" Oh don't you worry about my strength.. I'm not the helpless little girl I was when they came." I told Zuko the rest of the story. It was quiet until I felt him slide next to me.

" Katara... I understand how you feel. I miss my mother too, and don't worry you'll get the man that did it." He said

" Yeah... I will." I said grinning angrily.

" Let me take over." He said as he put his hand on top of mine. I felt my cheeks heat up, I let go of the reins and backed up to the big saddle. I looked at Zuko one more time before I slept, I was actually pretty grateful that he's doing this for me. Maybe I can trust him after all... Maybe.

I laid down and went to sleep.

" There!" I heard Zuko yell. I woke up instantly and it was already dark?

" You see those Sea Ravens flags?" He said as he tossed the telescope to me. I looked in it and it was them. I remembered that stupid flag.

" It's the Southern Raiders. You ready Katara?" He asked and slide the black scarf around hismouth.

" Let's do this." I said slide mine on my mouth too.

We landed into the water and I quickly made a bubble surrounding Appas head. We then risen a little I concentrated on the waters and made a huge wave crash into the boat knocking all the guards into the water.

Zuko and I landed on the boat with Appa. We took out some more guards, and headed to the bridge of the boat. That's where the monster was... That's where he's hiding... And I was ready.

" Katara... Are you ready?" Zuko asked

" I've been ready." I said and slashed the door open with the water that covered my arms.

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