Chapter 22

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Zukos P.O.V

" We got everything set up Uncle.... Be careful." I told my uncle as everyone got on their rides

" Thank you uncle, for everything..." I said and hugged him tight. I knew for sure this won't be the last goodbye, but I wanted to thank him anyways. I wanted to know that I appreciated him ever since. Uncle released me and touched my shoulder .

" Go, Sozins commet will be upon us soon. You and Katara will have a day to reach The Fire Nation, and a day for your friends tot each the air ships. " he said

After packing everything and saying our goodbyes, I decided to take Appa and have Katara rest. Sokka, Suki and Toph were no longer with us, and are heading to The Earth Nation, while Katara and I went off to the Fire Nation. As I drove, I heard Katara moving around behind me and panting heavily. I couldn't tell if she was asleep or what, but I had to be sure she was alright. I put the reins down and turned around finding Katara training. Even on a flying bison this girl still knows how to train, she was doing flips and kicks. She looked so angry and tensed up, if she goes any longer she might fall off this bison.

" Katara, calm down. This saddle isn't that big, you might fall off." I said as she continued to train and pretended like she didn't hear me.

" Katara I know you hear me. You should rest so you can take over Appa soon. Were gonna need our rest." I said sternly. I didn't know what to do to calm her down or make her feel better. This war is stressing us all out, and honestly I would be doing the same thing if I wasn't flying Appa.

" If I fall Zuko... Then I trust you'd catch me." She said in an angry tone, as she pants and kicks.

I got frustrated that I got up and tied the reins on the front part of the saddle making sure Appa goes straight. I carefully walked to Katara as she continued to do water bending techniques, it's like she didn't even see me there. Like I never existed!! I stepped in front of Katara quickly and grabbed her hand before she stroked at my face.

" Zuko get off of me!! I'm trying to train!" She yelled and pulled her hand back aggressively.

" I'm trying to help you! You are wearing yourself out by training yourself to hard Katara! By tomorrow you will be soar and week!" I yelled frustratingly. I looked at her as she crossed her arms and turned away from me angrily. I didn't mean to tell at her, I just didn't know what to do.

" Katara... I'm sorry. I just don't want to see you week tomorrow." I walked up next to her, looking at the side of her face.

" I know... I'm sorry. I just....I want to be prepared." Katara said sternly.

" I know. Drink some water and get some food, I want you to sit with me." I said as I walked back to the reins and untied them. I sat back down staring at the sun as it was setting. Minutes later Katara brought a bag of fruits and bread with a hug of water. She sat next to me and handed me a golden pear, coincidentally it was my favorite. My mother had a tree in to garden that grew golden pears, and she's always give me some when they just turned ripe.

Katara ate silently, as I tried figuring out what I wanted to say to her. I wanted to calm her down, make her less tense.

" Katara..." I said and looked at her. She turned her head and our eyes met.

" I know this is stressful for you. I know how you feel, but you need to calm down and rest. Please. I need you tomorrow, physically and mentally. I know you're worried about Aang too, trust me I feel like yelling his name everyday hoping that he'll hear us. But we need to trust that he will do what's right." I said calmly hoping she is listening.

" I'm sorry... Zuko I'm just terrified! I'm scared that I might lose My brother in this war, or Aang! Or Toph or Suki! God! Heaven forbid I hope I don't lose you. I'm fighting with you, and if I lose you while you're with me.... I will feel like I have failed to protect you...." Kataras voice started to crack, and tears began to stream down her beautiful face. I immediately grabbed her into my arms and squeezed her tight.

" I trust you Katara... And I promise you... You won't lose anyone. We will all still be here by the time it's over." I said as I rubbed her back.

" I'm so sorry Zuko.... I'm so so sorry.... I'm sorry that I keep complaining and making it seem that I don't fell the same way for you... But I do! But I want to say it when we both are alive..." She said and pulled back from my hug. My eyes grew wide and my stomach started to flutter. I always wanted to know if she really meant it, and she does.

This made me want to fight harder. So I can hear those words from her mouth...

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