☁The Inner Circle of Hell - [Gabriel]

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Thanks for everybody's patience! :)
Hope you'll like this one. 

enjoy. x malphas's transformation at the side ->(transformation where? you'll find out as soon as you read this. c:

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" I was pushed from the nest
before I knew how to fly. "

                                                  ♒    ♒   ♒   ♒   ♒   ♒  

            “Looks like he won’t be any help,” Gabriel muttered to herself.

She knew it was impossible for him, anyway. He wouldn’t help her, and even if he was under her command, she needed his presence to be near her in order for her to state her orders. But he got away. He didn’t want to be with her.

Although Gabriel should be fusing mad at him, she couldn’t help but pity him instead.

Malphas was cunning. He knew how to live for his title. Sooner or later he’d find a way to kick her out of his home turf.

Still, she couldn’t do it alone. All she could do right now was to gather information around, without actually letting the other demons know she was an archangel. And it wasn’t like she could stay forever in hell. Her body couldn’t keep up with its new environment. Her healing rate was down to five percent.

Gabriel frowned.

Maybe she was also meant to save Malphas. He had said that he was pure evil, or something like that, which was true enough since he wasn’t like Lucifer who had been an archangel once.

It could actually be true that Malphas might be crueler than Lucifer.

In any case, Gabriel couldn’t just leave him alone. One way or another, she’d look for a way to make him less. . . unsettling.

Gabriel went through Malphas’s closet and found some shirts and cloaks. She borrowed one and wore it down.

“This should do the trick,” she said as she pulled on the cloak and brought the hood down to her eyebrows.

With that, she went out of the house and found herself lost in hell. It seemed to be that the outside place had been changed. The scenery changed into what looked like a cave. Instantly, Gabriel knew something must have been altered. True enough, hell kept on a constant change, which meant that every step might change its surroundings and the only way to stop it was to control it.

But she didn’t live there, so she had no idea how to.

When Gabriel turned around, she found out that Malphas’s abode was no longer there. It had been replaced with hundreds of caves. Hell might have found her presence intruding, and it must have transported her into somewhere else.

She hated to admit it, but she needed Malphas’s help. She knew that she couldn’t survive without him.

So she traveled. She went in to one of the caves and realized that it was no ordinary cave. Its dome was high enough and there was a bright light inside. She could hear the loud cheers and whistles of the people as she got inside.

Gabriel walked carefully, so as not to attract any attention.

Once she was inside, she was surprised.

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