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Andi's POV

"Have a good time this week, Andi?" I glance up as Niall sits down beside me in the sand.

"Ya. It was a lot of fun, and very productive." I nod, sipping at my drink as I watch the sunset over the ocean.

"I had fun too. I'm glad your doctor let you come."

"Me too. I would have hated missing this much writing, and the opportunity to be in that studio day in and day out with so many creative minds." I nod.

"Ready to go home though?"

"Definitely. It's been eight days since I got to hug my Kasibug, and I miss him. A lot."

"We will get you home to him, don't worry. Flight leaves at 8am remember."

"I know. I'm heading back in soon. Just wanted to watch the sunset over paradise one more time."

"Can't blame you for that. Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Shoot." I nod, turning to face him.

"How are things with Calum? After the whole roses and chocolate stunt he pulled."

"Good actually. He has come to studio sessions with a whole new attitude, and he asks me about Kason, and he seems genuinely curious. He is really trying to show he is changing, that he wants this."

"So you've fallen back in love with him already?" I can't help but notice the annoyance in his voice.

"No. He's got a lot of work cut out for him to prove to me that he truly wants this. But I can't ignore the efforts he is putting into fixing things. The effort and excitement he is showing in the idea of Kason and being part of his life."

"Kason doesn't need him. You know that right? He has me, and Brody and Trey, and so many other great role models who haven't disowned him for a month."

"Niall, stop! You know Calum, you are friends with him. He got scared. I know he messed up, trust me. He hurt me a lot remember? But Kason deserves to know this dad, so if he's putting in the effort I'm going to allow it."

"I just," He sighs, "I don't want you to get hurt again, Andi. I don't want anyone to hurt you or Kason ever, especially not like he did."

"I'm a big girl, Niall, I think I can make my own decisions. I'll see you for the flight in the morning." I sigh, clambering to my feet.

"Wait." He calls, and I can hear him following me, "Andi, look. I'm sorry, it's just you and Kas mean a lot to me, and it's hard to watch you give him another chance to hurt you."

"I don't believe he will, I think he has changed and will keep proving that to me."

"If he hurts you, you know you can always come to me, right?"

"I know, Ni, but I really believe he isn't going to hurt us anymore. He's figuring it out."

"Okay. Can I walk you back to your room?"

"So long as you don't lecture me further."

"Na, just a walk." He smiles, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

Calum's POV

Every morning anymore, I wake up and head downstairs to get a workout in. Hitting the punching bag hard for a half hour or more, fighting the addiction that likes to creep up, the urge to smoke. I've managed, for almost a month, and that's supposedly the hardest. But we'll see how true that is after we pass the month mark.
I glance through Instagram as I try to wake up enough to get myself out of bed, suprises to see Andi posted. She's been away all week with Niall, on a writing trip. They are in the Bahamas and I'm trying not to let it bug me. Andi being the only girl with a bunch of drunk guys writing songs, stuck in a small studio for hours and days on end... But I can't let my jealously get the best of me. We have been making progress, I'm doing better, I'm getting back on everyone's good sides. With a deep breathe I scroll to see what she posted.

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