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                   Had anybody witnessed the grin on Idrissa's face as she rushed to Alaric's classroom they would have turned around and left

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                   Had anybody witnessed the grin on Idrissa's face as she rushed to Alaric's classroom they would have turned around and left. The luminous eyed teen hadn't pulled any pranks since the return of her past-memories, the Marauder in her was positively gleeful.

Quickly closing the classroom door behind herself she got to work routing through her bag, "Spring loaded glitter bombs, check," a chuckle escaped her lips as she stood making her way to the closest corner in the classroom and immediately got to work before the others realised her bathroom break was taking far too long.

Admittedly she was cheating to get it done before anyone got suspicious at how long she was gone by using her magic to levitate the prank items in position and a sticking charm to fix the glitter bombs to the walls in the corners, but she did not care she wanted to make sure the others got caught in at least one prank they didn't know about in advance.

Using magic around muggles wasn't against any nonexistent laws in her new life, she was finally getting comfortable with the recent realisation hence her willingness to use it to set up her prank.

Her time in Amsterdam had done wonders for her mental state, having spent many hours inside her mindscape to sort through her old memories. It took a few weeks but she could honestly say she was coming to terms with the darker parts of her first life.

Sure, the memories was still locked away, however now it was simply for privacy - not because she could not handle the emotional aspects of having them.

Idrissa was startled out of her thoughts when she realised she had already finished placing her bombs, shaking her head slightly she spread out her magic to check the hallway to make sure she was still alone and grinned wickedly when it came up empty. Her fingers twitched as she cast a muggle notice-me-not charms over the corners of the room and linking the detonators together, she added an age charm around the board that would activate the spell to detonate the bombs as soon as Alaric wrote on it; with a five minute delay on them.

"I can't wait for history tomorrow," she giggled to herself, the most exciting part was they wouldn't be detonated until five minutes after Alaric set them off so unless she was late to class she'd actually be there see the others shock at being pranked.

Quickly grabbing her bag Idrissa briefly checked the classroom before leaving again asif she'd never entered in the first place.

Walking down the hallway toward where she left the others setting up a multitude of mouse traps Idrissa paused in her step at the heavy feeling of death in the atmosphere, her magic flared outwardly and her stomach churned.

She knew who was here, she'd felt that aura before, "Klaus," escaped her lips as she began quickly making her way towards the gym where she could sense her sister's aura was heading alongside the hybrid at her side.

As she reached the doors Idrissa mentally cheered that at least Jeremy wasn't a senior, he was not in any danger at home with his ghostly girlsfriends. Taking a breath she entered the gym just as Klaus dragged Elena in through the other doors and began speaking loudly.

𝙇𝙖𝙘𝙪𝙣𝙖 - Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now