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Zhan treasured his time with his family for Christmas

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Zhan treasured his time with his family for Christmas. His niece leaped for joy upon his arrival. Zhan even reveled in spending time with his brother, Zhuo Cheng. A game of dominos with the men brought many laughs, which included his brother-in-law and his father. 

Getting out of bed on Christmas Eve was difficult, for he knew it was Yibo's wedding day. Nonetheless, he ignored his own problems and enjoyed his last night with his family. Time went by so fast, and before Zhan knew it, his parents dropped him off. He promised to visit more often.

Once again, he slept on the plane.

The announcement from the flight attendant that they were landing shortly, however, woke him. After landing, Zhan retrieved his luggage at baggage claim and had a cab escort him back home.

It didn't feel like home as he walked through the entrance. People weren't there to greet him or tell him how much they'd missed him. Zhan spent most of the evening unpacking his things. He then decided to skip dinner and retire to bed early.

 He then decided to skip dinner and retire to bed early

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For the next few weeks, Zhan welcomed the New Year. He had gained two new patients and found his schedule becoming more demanding. It was the middle of January and he could hardly believe it. Yibo crossed his mind often. He wondered if he was happy. He had to since he and her were married.

He accepted his decision. If he's what he wants, then good for him.

After a hard day's work, Zhan left the office-bound for home. Usually, he would stay and plan for the following day, but he wanted to take down his Christmas decorations. He instructed Bin to lock up and headed for the elevators.

Listening to the radio on the way home irritated Zhan. Every station seemed to play a "love song." He turned to others but found no such luck. He chose to ride in silence, but his thoughts of Yibo only shouted louder.

Finally, Zhan pulled into his driveway. When he spotted an unfamiliar car beside him, he spied out his window. His eyes widened. Someone was sitting on his front porch. Fear gripped his chest.

Was it a neighbor?

He didn't know but grabbed his cell in case he needed to phone the police.

Calm down; not everybody is a criminal.

He exited his Chevy Cruze.

The lump in his throat increased but he pressed forward. As he got closer, he gasped. Yibo?

While he met his gaze, they didn't speak.

Zhan passed him and unlocked his front door. He followed him inside.

They took off their coats and continued to his living room. Yibo removed his gloves and placed them on the arm of his couch.

Zhan then turned on his gas fireplace. The silence between them remained.

"Do you want something to drink? I can make some tea," Zhan suggested.

He nodded in apparent agreement.

Zhan moseyed into his kitchen and prepared two cups of tea. Five minutes later, he rejoined Yibo in his living room. He was twiddling his thumbs and noticeably staring into space. He handed him his cup and their fingers lightly brushed. Zhan denied the sensation but took his seat on the love seat opposite of Yibo.

"What kind of tea is this?" he asked breaking the silence.

"Chamomile," Zhan informed him.

He nodded and took another sip. When he set his cup on the coffee table in front of him, Zhan did the same with his.

"Did you have fun with your family?" he wondered.

"I did," he answered.

"Thanks for asking."

Silence once again enveloped the room, but not for long.

"I've been doing some thinking," Yibo said.

Zhan wondered.

"About what?"

"About everything, about what you said especially," he responded.

Zhan could feel the palms of his hands sweating.

"I'm sorry about that, Yibo. I didn't mean—"

"Just stop Zhan," he interrupted.

"You said what you had to say. It's time for me to say my piece, okay?"

"Okay," he agreed.

He cleared his throat.

"Zhan, that stunt you pulled a few weeks ago wasn't cool at all. I haven't seen or heard from you in seven years. We meet up. I introduced you to my fiancee, and you leave. Then all of a sudden, you tell me you're still in love with me. What am I supposed to think? You hurt me in college, but I decided to let you go because I thought it was what you wanted."

Zhan didn't respond.

He didn't want to rock the boat, but he wondered why he came.

Just listen.

"Do you know how long it took for me to get over you? My friends would set me up with women constantly, but all I could do was compare them to... you," he declared.

Zhan's feelings were on the brink of spilling over. In times like these, he would advise a patient to listen. However, on the other side of the spectrum, he wrestled to keep quiet. He was on the edge of his seat, literally.

HIS 'WHAT IF' CHRISTMAS WISH (YIZHAN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now