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Zhan scurried to Junior and hovered over his crib

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Zhan scurried to Junior and hovered over his crib. His cries were screeching.
What's wrong, he thought. He stroked the baby's cheek.

It did not ease him.

Zhan carefully picked him up and sat in the nearby rocking chair. He slowly rocked back and forth. His crying persisted. What else can I do?

He asked himself.

Then he stood and a thought crossed Zhan's mind. He lifted Junior and smelled his bottom. He was right. Oh no.

Still, he carried the baby to the changing table.

After placing him on his back, he rummaged for the supplies he needed.

Zhan returned with the baby wipes.Then he looked underneath the changing table and found the baby powder as well as fresh diapers. He searched for gloves too, but there were none in sight. Junior's cries continued. Zhan finally spotted gloves on a nearby dresser.

With all the supplies he needed, Zhan put on the gloves and proceeded to take off Junior's pajama pants. Once removed, he opened the dirty diaper. The site inside
churned his insides, but he pressed through the task. Using three baby wipes, he wiped Junior's bottom clean. Next was the baby powder.

Unfortunately, Junior urinated. Just
great. Zhan tried to cross his legs, but
it was too late. His shirt was wet. His eyes scanned the infant, who giggled. Zhan bit back a smile of his own. He cleaned up
the remaining mess, put baby powder on his bottom, but struggled to put on his diaper. He needed a second diaper because he put the first one on backward.

Once his diaper changing experience
was over, he discarded the dirty gloves along with the dirty diapers. After thoroughly washing his hands, he changed Junior's clothes, grabbed one of his toys, and carried him to his bedroom.

He then laid him on the bed, as he changed into a clean shirt.

Zhan then picked Junior and his toy
up sauntered to the kitchen. He spotted a high chair in the corner and placed him in it. After giving him a bottle, he paced the
kitchen floor.

"Well... what should we do first?"

Zhan asked baby Junior. He noticed him gnawing at his bottle.

Zhan could see four teeth in between his bites.

"Oh my goodness." He beamed at the little boy. Then the phone rang.

Zhan contemplated whether to answer
the phone or let it ring. He moseyed over to it. Since he did not recognize the number, he let it go to voicemail. In addition, he did not want to engage in a conversation with someone he didn't know. He had a difficult time already trying to adjust to his new environment. Talking with a stranger was not going to help.

Then he noticed two lists on the
refrigerator. Beside them stood family pictures and attempted drawings by Ling Xi. Zhan perused the list.

1. Clean Ling Xi's room
2. Wash the clothes
3. Finish wrapping the presents
4. Cook dinner

Junior's gurgling filled the room as Zhan stared at the list. It seemed to be in his own handwriting.

When he noticed the nearby calendar, it showed it was two weeks before Christmas. His mind focused again on the list. Zhan sighed and looked at Junior.

"Okay baby boy, let's get to work," he said.

He picked him up from the high chair
and walked back to his room. He knew he could not leave Junior while he worked, so he found his carrier. Once he found the
vacuum cleaner in the nearby closet, Zhan started in Ling Xi's room. At first, he was reluctant, since he did not want to scare
Junior. To his surprise, he loved the roaring noise as he vacuumed.

With that, he vacuumed all the bedrooms. When he decided to clean the bathrooms, Zhan put Junior back in his crib.

Fortunately, he was already asleep, but
he grabbed the baby monitor. He made sure the volume was high and kept it in his pocket. After finishing the bathrooms, he gathered the dirty clothes. He struggled locating the laundry room but eventually found it further down the hall.

Zhan separated the clothes and started his first load. With that going, he walked to the living room with wrapping paper for the Christmas gifts. As he rose to his feet, he sat on the couch and relaxed. A nap would've sufficed, but Junior's cry bellowed through the baby monitor.

Zhan hurried to his room and found him on his back in tears.

Then he extended his arms and picked him up.

"What's the matter now? When was the
last time you ate?" Zhan asked in a motherly voice.

Wow, I didn't know I could do this. His whispers soothed him, and to his surprise, Junior calmed down. He just wanted me to pick him up.

He smiled at the notion. He kept strolling the nursery and kissed his baby cheek.

"You're okay. It's okay."

Zhan brought Junior with him to the kitchen.

"Let's get you another bottle."

He saw another bottle already made in the refrigerator. He shook it up, put Junior back in the high chair, and gave it to him. This time he would not take it. Next, he pulled out a jar of baby food. He read the label: Chicken and vegetables. He wasn't convinced of the combination.

"You eat it mixed like this?" he wondered.

Junior clapped his hands. Zhan then
retrieved a spoon and a towel and took a seat in front of him. He unscrewed the jar and fed Junior. After five minutes, he seemed satisfied. When he finished, he wiped his mouth with the towel.

Once he found another toy for him from his room, he gave it to him. His next task was the recipe for dinner. He rummaged the refrigerator for the ingredients, though he was nervous about cooking.

The first thing that needed to be cooked was the chicken. While Zhan cooked occasionally, this particular recipe was more involved. Here we go. He rinsed off the chicken, removed the fat. Next, he peeled the potatoes, washed the carrots, and tended to Junior when he needed him.

The dinner was not turning out the way
he hoped, but he placed the chicken in the oven and continued.

Then he chopped the potatoes and grabbed a medium sized pot to boil the water.

Still, he found it difficult to focus on. If Junior was not whimpering, he was dashing back and forth to the laundry room. As time went by, the phone kept ringing, only frustrating Zhan more. He did not feel like talking to anyone.

When Junior whimpered again, Zhab picked him up and smelled his bottom. He changed his diaper, washed his hands, but grimaced when he smelled something burning. Zhan hurried with Junior in his arms.

HIS 'WHAT IF' CHRISTMAS WISH (YIZHAN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now