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Zhan entered hid office and walked past Bin without saying a word

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Zhan entered hid office and walked past Bin without saying a word. His assistant followed him.

Zhan was grateful that Bin didn't ask him how his break was.

He didn't want to think about it. Instead, Bin placed some files on his boss' desk.

"Are the Jiang's here yet?"

Zhan wondered as he took off his coat.

Bin replied,

"Actually they called to see if they could reschedule. They had to rush their son to the emergency room. He had an accident playing basketball."

"Well we won't be taking any appointments until after Christmas, so they can set up an appointment then. And send them a get well card too for their son,"

Zhan replied trying not to sound distracted. Still, he knew where his mind was. He continued with Bin,

"At least this way I can go home early and finish my Christmas shopping."

"Are you okay, Dr. Xiao? You seem... out of sorts,"

Bin asked sitting in the chair across from Zhan's desk.

Zhan locked his gaze on Bin's eyes. He was extremely efficient as his

"Of course, why wouldn't I be okay?"

"You seem different from when you left. Nothing's wrong is there?" Bin wondered.

"No Bin nothing's wrong. Can you send Xian in here? I need him to mail a few things for me," Zhan replied.

Bin went back to his desk and paged Xian. Zhan hired him a year ago to mail the patients thank you letters, Christmas and New Year cards, and get well cards if the patients fell ill. Zhan found this technique to work because it showed his patients he cared about them. Xian was also in charge of keeping the business' website up to date. Now the company was emailing instead of mailing actual letters, but Zhan liked mailing the Christmas cards.

Xian walked through the door.

"You're looking for me, Dr. Xiao?"

Zhan had given him his first job for Xian was straight out of college. He was a hard worker and Zhan enjoyed having him part of his staff.

"Yes. I need you to mail these Christmas cards to the patients, and after that, you can go home."

"You sure? I can work a little longer,"

Xian replied taking the envelopes.

"I'm sure Xian. After mailing the letters, you're free to go home. I'll see you tomorrow," Zhan said.

With that, Xian nodded with a smile and left. Zhan watched him signing out with Bin and leaving the office.

Bin's phone rang.

"Dr. Xiao line two; it's your sister Lu."

"Thanks, Bin I got it," Zhan replied.


"Hey bro how are you?" Lu said, with obvious chirpiness in her voice.

"I'm alright," Zhan replied as he closed the door to his office. He sat on his desk and combed his hair with his fingers.

"You sound a little down. What's wrong?" Lu asked now sounding concerned.

Might as well spill it.

"Guess who I saw today at lunch?"

"Please, don't tell me you saw that idiot Peng. I couldn't stand his attitude when you two dated. If you ask me, he loved being a bachelor more than you," Lu declared.

Zhan smiled at the joke.

"No. I saw... Yibo."

"Yibo? As in Wang Yibo?"


"How is he?"

"He's engaged," Zhan said regretfully.

Lu coughed in the background.

"You're kidding." She sounded shocked by the news.

"Nope, I met her. Her name is Zi Xuan and they're getting married on Christmas Eve."


"I know."

"Are you okay? I know you two were really something in college. To be honest, he was my favorite of your few boyfriends. Our whole family loved Yibo."
She admitted,

"I loved him too."

"I know. Are you going to be okay?"

"I should be."

"But Zhan it's been what, seven years since you've seen Yibo."

"I know. But as we talked and had lunch together, I started to think about what we had and us and... how it ended." he shook his head at the possibility.

He couldn't still feel the same way after all this time... or maybe it never left in the first place.

Lu wondered,

"Did you tell him how you feel?"

"I can't he's getting married. Besides his fiancée is nice. It wouldn't be fair."

"He was your man first."

"I know, but if I was in her shoes I wouldn't want anybody to do that to me. And I don't even know if Yibo... never mind."

"You'll never know Zhan unless you try."

"It's too late, Lu. Besides, I need to get back to work. Anyway, how's the hubby."

"He's fine. He can't wait to see you. He wants a rematch in that Domino's game."

Zhan giggled.

"Seriously that was two years ago."

"He wants his money. Besides, he's been really excited lately."

"He should since he's going to be a father."

"I can't wait for this baby to get here."

"You let my nephew take his time growing. He'll get here when he gets here."

"I should've known you would take his side. He's already kicked me in my ribs."

"Maybe you ate something he didn't like," Zhan laughed.

"Whatever. Anyway, bro, I think you should try to talk to Yibo. Don't let him get away a second time,"

Lu encouraged him.

Zhan sighed.

"I'll think about it."

"Don't think about it too long. After all, he is getting married on Christmas Eve," Lu added.

"Thanks, sis. I'll call you tomorrow alright. Tell Zhuo Cheng I said hi," Zhan said opening up his laptop.

"I will. Love you, bro."

"Love you too."

Zhan hung up the phone and pulled up his itinerary. After Christmas, he would reopen the following week. New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, he would close, and then he would reopen and continue with the New Year.

By that time Yibo will be married, he thought. Zhan then packed his things and prepared to leave the office for the day.

HIS 'WHAT IF' CHRISTMAS WISH (YIZHAN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now