#16 When you make your relationship public...

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MICHAEL: "I hate keeping us a secret." He whispers against your lips, "I want the whole world to know you’re mine." You sigh, "You know I want to too, more than anything. But your manager doesn’t think it’s good for your fans. He thinks it’ll be too much hype." Michael sighs, drawing invisible, lazy hearts on your hip bones, "All I want to do is tweet a picture of us with my lips on your cheek like this." He kisses your cheek sloppily, and you smile, feeling his tongue swirl on your skin. "And announce to everyone that I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world!" He declares triumphantly, as you play with his fingers, "You will be able to someday Michael, just not now." 

When it’s almost time for the band to perform, Michael quickly throws his shirt on, and races to get ready. “I always tell you to start getting ready for at least a half hour before.” You mumble, as Michael shouts, throwing on jeans and tying his sneakers quickly, “But that would mean less time with you, which I am not a big fan of!” In a hurry, Michael grabs your hand, and pulls you out the door with him. “Mike, what’re you do-.” You’re cut off by a crowd of screaming girls. Your boyfriend looks down at you, taking your lips into a passionate kiss. His large hands wrap around your waist, pulling you closer. He pulls away, laughing, “I didn’t plan it, but you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I want the whole world to know.” 

LUKE: You’re sitting between all of the boys during an interview, while they answer questions, laughter and jokes usually following them. You and Luke haven’t told anyone about your relationship yet, so to the fandom, you’re just “the close friend”. The interviewer smiles, and points to Luke, “So, you and (Y/N) have been very close.” The television on stage shows pictures of us from twitter and keeks. Luke smiles, “Yeah, she’s my best friend.” You feel your throat go dry, as the man asks your boyfriend, “Are you guys dating or…what’s going on between the two of you?”

Your cheeks flush, unsure of how to respond. Luke gestures to your hand, and he laces your fingers with his, “I know this isn’t how we planned on doing this but…this is a perfect way to tell everyone. We’re dating. Before everyone freaks out, I want you all to know that if someone asked me what a beautiful life means, I would lean my head on this girls shoulder, hold her close, and smile, because it’s exactly like that.” 

ASHTON: You watch your boyfriend playing the drums, rocking his heart out on stage with his best friends. Your eyebrows tighten in confusion when you realize that they’ve all got smiles across their faces except for Ash. He’s got an emotionless expression along with a blank stare every now and then. You’ve been dating for nearly half a year, but because you don’t want to ruin his career, you’ve been kept a secret. You don’t want his fans to love him less or stop listening to the band because they find out he has a girlfriend. 

Your heart stops when Ashton stops playing, dropping his drum sticks. Michael turns around, “Dude, what’s wrong?” The crowd goes silent as you hear your boyfriends voice echo through the stadium, “I’m sorry I can’t finish this concert until I get this out there. I-I can’t do this anymore.” Your body goes numb when Ashton makes his way to the front of the stage, his hand shaking with the microphone in hand, “I-I’m in love with a girl named (Y/N). She’s the most beautiful girl in the world, and I can’t keep her hidden anymore. She deserves to shine like the gem she is. She’s everything I was looking for when I wasn’t even looking.” Your breath is caught in your throat, until you hear the crowd “awe” and scream in response to your boyfriends confession. You run onto stage, and into his arms. Everyone cheers, and he whimpers, “I’m sorry I-.” You cut him off, kissing his lips, “I love you.” 

CALUM: Tonight the boys are making their second big performance at One Directions anniversary big-bash. It’s a huge party, and the night means the world to your boyfriend and his band.What is eating away at Calum is that you weren’t invited. Not because One Direction didn’t like you, but because they didn’t know about you. No one did. “Babe it’s fine, really. Just have a good time, text me when it’s over and tell me how it goes.” You smile at your boyfriend in his suit, and nudging him towards the mansion doors, “Go in. Go.” The only reason your relationship isn’t known is because your parents wouldn’t approve. He’s in a band, going to be traveling the world soon and your parents wouldn’t even think twice before shutting the door in his face. They’re so judgmental. 

Without any warning Calum takes you by the hand, and rushes through the door. He’s too strong for you to get free of his grip as the cameras flash, and you already know your life is over. Your parents will know. Cameras are recording, as people ask, “Who’s that? Calum from 5 seconds of summer! Oh man, who’s on his arm? CALUM WHO IS THE GORGEOUS LADY ON YOUR ARM?” Your cheeks blush, as he says, “She’s my girlfriend. I couldn’t leave her at home because I love her so much that every time when I don’t find her beside me, I feel that there’s something missing. To Mr. and Mrs. (Y/P/L/N/), if you’re watching this, I’ll never hurt your daughter. Her most precious feature is her smile, and I’ll never take that from her.” 

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