First kisses and first visits

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Eden's P.O.V.
I watch from the tree house, seeing down below as the boys danced around the fire, Peter playing a pipe. Felix said it lured boys here and that's why they could hear it. He had let me stay here for the day and covered for me saying I got lost and he was looking for me. He had explained the island in depth to me about Dreamshade, Peter's past and anything else I needed to know to stay alive. Oh and keep away from the Lost boys for they can get a little lusty for me. I'm the first girl on Neverland and they've never had one here in centuries so I'm glad I know that.

But to think that Peter may actually love me surprised me more than I could believe. I always thought he couldn't love and was heartless. Felix said he had something to do and I wished him goodnight as I looked out the window. A slight mist was in the air and it soon turned to rain. The boys quickly retreated to their tents and I smile, playing with my hair as I heard the door open. I look up, seeing Peter as he shut the door.

"There you are. I was starting to get worried." He chuckled which I couldn't help but blush at.

"I talked with Felix today."

"Yeah, what did he have to say?" Peter walked up to me.

"That you loved me." My voice dropped to almost a whisper but Peter still managed to hear me.

"I've had my eye on you for a while and yes I did have feelings for you." He trailed my finger down my jaw in which I gasp. Peter hooked his finger under my chin, tilting it so I met his gaze. His eyes turned almost dark with lust and I couldn't help this connection I had for him. It was only my first day here and already I was falling for the one they warned me about. As if he couldn't be more sure about his next move, he placed his lips on mine. I was taken back at his action, frozen in the moment but soon kissed back, my arm sneaking around his neck.

Peter crawled onto the loveseat I was placed on, making me fall back, the soft cushion catching me as he moved my hair out of the way. My fingers rake through his soft hair, gripping it as his lips traveled down my neck. I may be a princess and may have been courted before, but never in my wildest dreams have I felt the pleasure I felt now from the boy on top of me. I moan quietly, Peter finding my sweet spot. The rest of the night soon became a blur of bites and pleasure. 

I shift in my sleep, feeling something tighten around me. I quickly come to terms with where I was and remember last night. Warm breath hit the back of my neck and I smile, turning around as I look at the sleeping boy. His hair was a mess but so neat all at the same time. His lips were parted slightly and some hair fell into his eyes which her closed.

His arms were wrapped around me almost in hostility that someone would get me as his chest radiated heat. I nuzzle my head in the crook of his neck, sighing happily. I hear the door open and I quickly close my eyes, pretending to be asleep. 

"Pan." I hear the dark voice of Felix say.

"Unless someone is dead or a limb is missing, I don't want to hear it." Peter's husky morning voice growls.

"It's not that. But it's the Dark one." I hear Peter growl at the mention of the Dark one. I remember he's helped my family a little and I owe him for saving my mother and for warning us about the curse. Peter sighs and I feel the warmth of his warmth leave as he got up.

"Then lets go hunting."

Peter's P.O.V.
I hated leaving Eden alone but I knew she wouldn't do anything stupid like many of the boys here and if they wanted to keep their limbs they would stay away from her. Felix walked out of the door and I look back, seeing Eden sleeping peacefully with a blanket wrapped around her, the sun shining on her hair as it shimmered almost. She yawns, stirring under the covers in which I smile at her yawn.

"Pan." Felix snaps not to harsh but enough to get me to get me out of my trance and follow him out of the door, shutting it behind me. "You're getting attached to her." Felix smirks, walking down the stairs.

"Am not." I lie, following him.

"Oh please, you were looking at the windows for a good two minutes to make sure she was safe. Remember, you start dating her and the boys will come after you for her."

"Demons can't love remember." I remind him as we walk into the camp, ignoring the boys at breakfast as we quickly scurry into the woods.

"Who said you're a demon?" Felix scoffs, playing with me.

"We all know I am." I sigh, admitting the truth. Felix stops at that, never hearing me admit that before. I would always just remain silent whenever that was brought up so everyone thought I denied being a demon. "Besides," I walk over to him. "So what if I have a crush on Eden?" I smirk.

"Evil boy." I quickly run out of reach from him, running down the trail with him following. I jump over a fallen log, glancing behind me to see Felix gaining. Grabbing onto a branch, I jump up into the tree to get the advantage. The game of tag continued for a while before we reached the shoreline which made me stop in my tracks. There stood the Dark one with a woman next to him. "That's Queen Cora, Regina's mother." Felix said in shock. And if you're wondering why the two are on the beach and not in the island, it's because all guests or boys arrive on the beach and I let them in. I can't trust everyone on my island so if it's just
visitors, I keep them on the beach, nowhere else.

I do it for the safety of the island and for the Lost boys not to mention Eden. This way, no one can map out the island, map out the way to my camp which is hidden itself and no one can harm us. My boys and I live in peace until we're threatened and then we go crazy. I jump down from the tree and stride out to the two people.

"Surprised to see you two on the island." The queen and Dark one look at me with blank looks.

"Heard someone got past my daughter's curse with her memories. Eden is it?" Cora mocks. I immediately grow protective of her, the same feeling coming to me as if there was a threat to my life.

"What do you want with her?" I keep a calm expression.

"Her sister, Emma. She made it past the curse fine. But be warned, keep Eden and Emma away from each other. The more they learn about each other, the more dangerous things can get." Gold said. I roll my eyes, just wanting to go back to Eden.

"Rumple?" A soft and sweet voice came from the brush, Eden and Gold looking at each other, Rumple almost happy.

"Eden." He breaths, Eden running into his arms in which he gladly accepted the hug. I look at Cora who only shook her head and shrugged. Apparently she didn't know about the two's friendship as well as I did. "When your parents sent you away with your sister, I had no idea you would actually survive,"

"But, I thought everyone lost their memories," Eden looked puzzled.

"He created the Dark curse. Of course he was going to keep his memories," I sneer, Gold shooting me a glare.

"How do you know each other?" Cora asked the question I guess we all wanted to know.

"Oh, he was my trainer." Eden smiled.

"Trainer?" I ask.

"He helped me figure out my magic."

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