𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒔𝒆𝒙𝒊𝒔𝒕

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4.06 || you're just sexist

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Aurelia drops into the passenger seat of Chris' car as she shuts the door while he climbs into the driver's seat after another dead end. "Are you okay?" He asks.

"Well, the kid I've treated like a little brother my entire life is possessed by an evil fox demon, he might have a terminal illness and he's been missing for two days, so I think the safe answer here is no." She responds and he hums at her. 

"Was the sarcasm necessary?" Chris asks.

"It's definitely helping me not have a complete and utter meltdown." Aurelia responds and he nods. 

"Carry on then." Chris responds and a tiny hint of a smile tugs at her lips. "You want me to take you home?" Chris asks. 

"No. Freya and Bash are working and as good company as Arlo is, I kind of need human company right now before I start stress knitting." Aurelia says.

"You stress knit?" Chris asks and she nods. 

"Yep. It's how my brother, aunt and all four of my uncles ended up with something knitted when I was doing my finals. I was stress knitting." Aurelia responds and he hums. 

"The more you tell me, the more confusing and hard to work out you get." He says.

"Good. That is my aim. To be pretty and complex." Aurelia says and he rolls his eyes at her before starting the engine. 

"Wait, should you not be at work?" Chris asks and she shakes her head. 

"No. Coach is making me take time off until everything with Stiles is okay or at the very bare minimum, he's been found. Which may apparently be never. Because apparently I'm no help distracted. Which is just his way of saying he cares about me and wants me to take personal time. Something good has to come from being your godfather's assistant coach." Aurelia says.

"Hey," Chris says and she glances over at him. "You'll figure something out." He says.

"I don't think there's even anything to figure out or find, Chris. Witches don't give a shit about prolonging the lives of humans." Aurelia says.

"Well, don't you guys face this stuff? You're mortal, right? You're human. So what if a witch gets cancer or dementia?" Chris asks.

Aurelia hesitates for a moment in surprise when he called witches 'mortal' and 'human'. She knew it was true but it just wasn't something she ever expected to hear out of a hunter's mouth. Especially an Argent.

"They make themselves immortal until they're ready to die." Aurelia responds after a second.

"Seriously?" Chris asks.

"When we make ourselves immortal, we prolong our lives indefinitely. What it does is freeze your body in the state it's in. The state of your health. Age. Looks. Everything. It stays that way until you reverse it. So, witches would just use the spell before they started feeling the effects of the disease and then either kill themselves or let themselves die how they were supposed to when they've decided they're ready. It's why there are witches that specialise in healing because we can't really go to a doctor if we're planning on making ourselves immortal." Aurelia explains. 

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