Drunken confessions (girl version)

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On the planet of Mobius Amy, Blaze, Rouge, and Tikal where trying to decide what to do for their annual girls night. Amy wanted to stay in and give each other make overs but Rouge wanted to go out to a club. Blaze and Tikal were the carefree party that didn't really care what they did.

"Come on Rouge, you love make overs more than any of us. So why is it that the one night I want to do it you don't?" Amy complained with a frown crossing her arms.

"Cause I need to get my mind off things and a club is the perfect place to do that." Rouge replied.

"What do you need a break from, Miss carefree party girl?" Amy retorted.

Rouge rolled her eyes and started "That's non of your business." She turned a bit toward Blaze and Tikal before she continued "Wouldn't it be nice to have a little fun at a club or a bar to clear our heads for a few hours? Wouldn't it be nice to forget about the guys for even a little bit?"

Now that made the club loads more appealing for the girls. The girls were not in any sort of relationship but were secretly in love with one of the three hedgehogs and echidna. They started trying to bury there feeling when they were around the one they love. It was times like this that they would use to forget there hopeless, or what they thought to be hopeless, loves.

"Ok but I'm the designated driver." Blaze agreed after a few minutes.

"What, Blaze?" Amy said a little offended that Blaze sided with Rouge.

"You know I don't like makeup or make overs. Plus if I'm the designated driver I can't drink and will focus on keeping an eye on Rouge." Blaze stated.

"Hey I'm not that bad." Rouge said irritated by Blaze's comment. Blaze just ignored her and proceeded to stay quiet waiting for Amy and Tikal to give in.

"Um I'm also with Rouge, Amy, sorry." Tikal said a little bit nervous for Amy's reaction.

"What?!" Amy exclaimed shocked. Amy crossed her arms and looked away for a few minutes giving a loud huff in protest. "Fine I'll go, it will be a nice to get Sonic off my mind for a bit anyway." Amy finally said turning back to her friends.

So the four girls changed into showy dresses, except for Blaze. Then they all climbed into Blaze's car and drove to a near by club. This one was of course recommended by the bat herself.

"Come on ladies, it's time to have some fun." Rouge said getting out of the car. Amy, Tikal, and Blaze soon joined her.

It was a nice place with a bar, a stage for karaoke, and other nice seating. Once they showed their IDs to prove they were 21 and over Rouge immediately went to the bar to get a drink, Amy and Tikal went to the karaoke stage and began looking through songs, Blaze did a quick check of her cellphone. She checked to make sure that there were no new messages or anything and there was nothing. Blaze then put her phone in her back pocket without realizing it was still on the contact list. So when she sat down at the bar she pocket dialed someone.

"Hello?" Blaze heard a familiar voice behind her and turned but no one was there. "Hello?" She heard again and quickly realized it was her phone.

Blaze scrambled to her phone pocket and held it to her ear to reply "Hi Shadow."

"Blaze? Why would you call me?" Shadow asked curiously.

"Sorry I must have pocket dialed you." Blaze apologized worried that he would be mad.

"It's fine. You are much more pleasant company then most of them." Shadow stated causing Blaze to give a small laugh. "So what are you up to?"

"Oh, I'm out with the girls at some club as the designated driver. What are you up to?" Blaze questioned enjoying the light conversation.

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