The power of love over doubt- sonamy

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After a long day of chasing her blue hero, Amy Rose sat on a rock, watching the sunset. She sat, resting from all the running before she began the walk home.

Meanwhile, in the prison dimension, Scourge was watching the pink hedgehog. Devising a plan, to take down his emery, once and for all.

"Hehe...I see my double ganger has left the rose to wilt. To bad too, now I can use her to for my own plan." Scourge snickered, evilly. "Time to turn the rose against her hero."

So, the green hedgehog, using his red jewel and ring powers, he traveled to the Mobius dimension, right by the pink hedgehog. He hide behind a tree and just waited to make his move. Amy gave a sigh and broker her gaze from the changing sky.

"Why doesn't he just tell me how he feels? It is not hard to say, it's really simple." Amy complained.

Scourge smiled evilly, knowing how to get to her. He crept up behind her and replied "Because he doesn't love you."

Amy whipped around startled and summoned her hammer. "What are you doing here Scourge?" Amy spat, her hammer pulled back, ready to strike.

"Can't I just come and visit?" Scourge asked innocently.

Amy glared at him, her grip on her hammer tightened.

"No." She growled.

"Fair enough." Scourge remarked. "But, I just wanted to warn you."

"About?" Amy asked, puzzled.

"Sonic doesn't love you. In fact, quite the opposite." Scourge replied.

"How dare you! You don't even know him! How would you know what he feels?" Amy hissed, raising her hammer higher.

"Because, I do know him. He is my opposite. Everything I feel, think, want, is the exact opposite of him. And I do love you, so that would mean Sonic doesn't." Scourge answered calmly.

"W-what?" Amy stammered, horrified. Her hammer slowed drop to the ground then disappeared. "So, he...he hates me?" Amy asked as tears escaped down her cheeks.

Scourge had to stop himself from smiling at his success as he responded "I'm afraid so." More tears came from the hedgehog girl and those quickly turned into sobs. "Now, now, you shouldn't let a pretty face be wet with tears." Scourge cooed, despite wanting to gag at his words.

Amy glared at him and exclaimed "How can I not be upset! Someone just told me that the one I love hates me! Do you know how awful that feels? No, because you don't care about anyone but yourself." Amy turned away from him.

Scourge had to bite his tongue from saying a smart remark in return. "But, I do know how it feels." Scourge lied, very convincingly.

"How?" Amy barked, turning toward him.

"Because the girl I love has been chasing after my opposite and hates me." Scourge replied with fake sorrow. "So, yeah I know how it feels, because your doing the same thing to me."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Amy apologized.

'Wow, who knew it would be so easy to manipulate her.' Scourge thought. "Hey, turn that frown, upside down. I have something for you." Scourge remarked, hating every word that his plan demanded.

"Really?" Amy asked, unsure if she should trust him.

"Yes." Scourge replied and pulled out a red jeweled necklace from his jacket. "This is for you. I pretty jewel for a pretty rose." Scourge added.

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