Saying I love you- taleseam/scourge Fiona

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On the planet of Mobius a certain Hedgehog had returned, with his foxy, fox girlfriend, and Eggman knew of their unannounced visit. He wasn't pleased in the least because even though Scourge isn't on Sonic's side he's not on his either. So he sent his best man, or rather best robot, to take care of the hedgehog.

"Come on Fi" Scourge said "just a bit further and then we can have some real fun."

Fiona rolled her eyes and crossed her arms and relied "You keep saying that and yet we keep walking."

"Yeah yeah just keep up." Scourge remarked.

What happened next neither of them expected. In a flash of blue Fiona was off the ground and hovering in the air, being held by cold metal arms. "Let me go you little..." Fiona tried to yell but was knocked unconscious by Metal Sonic.

"Hey give her back!" Scourge shouted angrily. "Or else!"

"Or else what? If you want her back come to Eggman's base and get her." Metal Sonic said then was gone.

"He will pay for that." Scourge growled.

Then he sped off to try and find Eggman's base. Meanwhile, in the forest Tails was mopping about his past loves. 'Why can't anyone love me? My first love betrayed all of us for some power hungry, loser and my second...' A few tears slide down his face as he thought. ' second dead...and now no one loves me...'

Cream happened to be walking by with a basket of flowers and noticed Tails sitting on a tree stump. He looked upset so she walked closer to him, that's when she noticed tears on his cheeks.

"Are you ok Tails?" Cream asked concerned.

He wiped his face then said "Yeah I'm fine."

"Where you crying?" Cream questioned. Tails stayed quiet so Cream added "I won't tell anyone, and I'm not going to make fun of you if you were. I'm just worried about you."

Tails looked at her but then turned away and said "yeah I was crying."

Cream knelt next to him "Would you like to talk about it? Maybe I could help you."

Tails glanced at her then closed his eyes and said "I was thinking about my two past loves. I tried so heard to make them happy and now both of them are gone. No one loves me and I just...I just want to be loved back. Is that so hard. I wish Cosmo was here to tell me everything would be ok and that she dose love me. I want her back so much." More tears escaped his eyes as he talked about Cosmo.

'Oh Tails if only you knew that I love you.' Cream thought. "It's ok Tails I'm sure there is someone who loves you." Cream said accusingly.

"Yeah like who? What would you know about loving and heartbreak!" Tails snapped and even though that stung, Cream held her ground, at least physically. Tails saw the hurt look on her face and said "I'm sorry Cream I didn't mean to snap at you like that."

"It's ok Tails, I know you are hurting. I'll leave you alone." Cream said then stood up and began to walk away. Before she left she said over her shoulder "If you need to talk I'll be there for you." Then she was gone and Tails stayed put.

Back in Eggman's base Fiona had finally woken up. However, she had chains on her wrists and ankles keeping her from leaving the confines of her new room. Fiona stood up and took a few steps but the chains gave her little range to walk. Then the door opened and Metal Sonic entered.

"What do you want?" Fiona hissed.

"Eggman needs Scourge out of the way and knows the easies way to get to him is by taking something he has." Metal Sonic said.

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