Only love can fix a broken heart- sonamy

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One day Amy Rose was wondering through the forest looking for Sonic. Yet today she can't find him. However, she refused to give up the search and walked around for another hour, until she stumbled upon a small white cottage surrounded my a garden.

Amy was curious as to who lived there so she called to the house "Hello? Is anyone home?"

Within a few minutes a female white fox appeared from around the corner of the cottage holding a basket of fruits and vegetables. She wore a yellow tank top and jean shorts.

"Oh hello, there. I'm Sarah and you are?" The fox introduced.

"I'm Amy Rose, but you can call me Amy. Nice to meet you." Amy greeted.

It was quite for a moment but the silence was interrupted by a low growl coming from Amy's stomach. She quickly put her hand over her stomach blushing with embarrassment 'Oops I never ate lunch because of my search for my Sonic.' Amy thought.

"Hey would you like to come in and have lunch with me" Sarah offered.

"Oh, thank you that would be great as you heard I'm starving" Amy smiled.

Amy and Sarah went inside the cottage and Amy sat at the table in the kitchen while Sarah made a fruit salad. Once she finished making it, the two girls ate and talked about stuff.

"Hahaha really?" Sarah laughed.

Amy giggle and replied "Yeah that really happened to the Sonic team on vacation." After saying that Sonic popped into her mind and she began to think 'Oh Sonic, why don't you tell me how you feel?' Amy gave a sad sigh.

Sarah noticed so she asked "Amy are you alright?"

Amy sighs again "I guess so it's just... I'm in love with Sonic but I don't know how he feels about me."

Sarah didn't like where this was going, for something came to mind at Amy's words, but she didn't show it "Well does he know about your feelings?"

"I don't know. I think it's pretty obvious but not everything clicks with Sonic at first." Amy replied. "Sometimes he plays it off as nothing special or he just runs off and every time it breaks my heart."

Sarah had to confirm her suspicion. "Hang on. I want to show you something." Sarah stated, getting up from the table and goes into another room. She came back holding a red heart jewel necklace and set it in front of Amy "Here. I want you to look at this."

Amy pick it up by the chain ever so gently and let the jewel rest in her palm "It's so pretty" Amy complimented. She lightly rubbed the gem with her thumb but it cracked a little. Amy quickly yet gently put it down "I am so sorry! I didn't mean to crack it! I was being as gentle as I could, I swear!"

Sarah gave a sigh of sadness, not for what Amy did but what will happen unless a certain hedgehog admits what he truly feels. "No, no, Amy it's fine. In facts why don't you keep it."

"Really?" Sarah nodded yes. "Thank you so mush Sarah."

Sarah smiled but on the inside she was worried for Amy and what might happen to her. Later, Amy left Sarah's house wearing the necklace happily skipping on her way home. By the time she got home it was pretty late, so she made herself some dinner and went to bed. She changed into a night gown but she left the necklace on. As she was sleeping she had awful nightmares.

In the dream:

Amy was out with all her friends at the beach. All appeared to have a great time. However, all her friends vanished but Sonic was still there standing with his back to her. "Sonic! What happened where did-" but she stopped mid sentence.

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