The fall- jetwave

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The Babylon Rouges were testing out there newly fixed extreme gear thanks to Wave. She had instructed them to take it easy but of course the green hawk named Jet refused to listen and did a few tricks. And of course Wave warned him to stop before something bad happened. They were approaching a very rocky area with random sudden wind gusts.

Jet again ignored her and was about to do another trick but Wave tried to stop him "Jet stop don't do it!" He acted like he didn't hear her so she got a little closer to him and shouted again "Jet don't-" But she was interrupted but a strong gust of wind that knocked Jet into her causing them to fall.

They fell into a small dried ravine along with their extreme gear however the gear didn't serve the fall. Once they had hit the ground Wave groaned in pain then in annoyance at the shape of the gear. Jet stayed silent fearful of Wave's reaction.

Before Wave looked back at Jet they heard Storm yell to them "hey boss, Wave are you alright?!"

Jet still didn't respond so Wave spoke "yeah but our gear is broken and I don't have any of my tools. Can you go back to the ship and get my tool box?"

"Sure. I'll be back as soon as possible." Storm replied.

"Be carful." Wave called as he left then she turned to Jet clenching her fists angrily. She was about to yell at him but seeing the scared look on his face she took a deep breath then unclenched her fists and replied calmly "I warned you didn't I." Jet was surprised by her quick change in behavior so he just stared at her. Wave looked at him and asked "are you ok? Can you stand up?"

Jet shook his head to clear it then tried to stand but pain surged through his ankle when pressure was applied. He winced and fell back to the ground holding his ankle "no I can't stand. I must have hurt it when I fell."

Wave came over to him and gently pushed his hands away to examine his hurt ankle. She gently touched it with two fingers and he winced again. She pulled her hand back then took off the backpack she brought and pulled out a first aid kit. "Hold still this might hurt for a second." She pulled out a thick bandage and two splints. She placed the splints then rapped it so his ankle would stay straight. She then secured it with a knot "there. Now stay off that ankle until Storm gets back with my tools."

Jet nodded so Wave stood back up and leaned against the rock wall looking up expecting Storm. Jet was still surprised by her calm, gentle actions. Usually she would just yell, nag, and lecture him about what he was doing wrong. He wanted to ask her about the change but felt he couldn't just blurt it out, that he had to ease into it.

"So..." Jet started causing Wave to look at him. "I doubt Storm will be back anytime you have anything else in your bag."

"I have food and water but I didn't conceder bringing a game." Wave replied with a small smile. "I guess the only thing we can do is talk."

"Talk?" Jet said questioning her idea.

Wave shrugged "what else is there to do? You can't do a lot with your injured ankle and we can't get out of here."

"Ok I guess what do you want to talk about?" Jet asked not sure how to start.

Wave shrugged and walked back over to him and sat down near him. It was silent for a moment then an idea came to her mind "what if we play the game two truths and a lie."

"Uuu sure why not. I'll go I have never lost a race, I love treasure more than anything, and...I don't like authority" Jet said. He didn't want to give to much away which is ironic because he doesn't like secrets.

"Hm" Wave hummed pretending to think because she already knew the answer. "The first one." Jet hated to admit it but it was the first one was the lie.

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