It's not her- sonamy

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A pink hedgehog sat on a bench, crying her eyes out. Why was she so upset? Well, the love of her life, Sonic the hedgehog, was getting married to princess Sally Acorn. Her heart shattered when she heard the news, and it broke even more as the special day grew closer. She was happy for him, really she was, but she couldn't help her sadness, despite her efforts.

"Amy?" Sonic's voice hit her ears.

Amy quickly wiped her eyes and looked up to him with a bright smile, as if nothing was wrong. Even she knew he caught her crying.

"Hey Sonic." Amy greeted.

"Hi. Mind if I sit?" Sonic asked.

"Oh, sure. Please sit." Amy replied scooting over so he could sit.

Sonic smiled and took the seat next her. There was an a awkward silence that followed.

"So, how have you been?" Amy questioned to break the silence. "With the wedding and stuff, I bet you have been pretty busy."

"Yeah, about that..." Sonic began sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.

"The wedding is off."

Amy stared back at him shocked, with her mouth hanging open. "What?"

"Yeah, and by the look on your face, I know you heard me right." Sonic said with a chuckle.

"Why? What happened?" Amy asked quickly.

"Well, actually, it was Sally who called it off." Sonic said as if it was nothing.

"What!?" Amy exclaimed, tears running down her cheeks. Sonic was unsure if she was even aware of the tears, for if Amy was, she acted like she didn't know. "How dare she! You are the best guy in the world and...and she was lucky enough to have you..." Amy trailed off.

"Woah Ames chill." Sonic said, not expecting that kind of outburst from her. Sonic shock his head at himself after thinking about it. Of course the girl would be in a tizzy. But then something else hit him, Amy was mad at Sally, not for being with him, but for dumping him. Sonic quickly brought himself back to reality and remarked pointing to her cheeks "You are making yourself get all teary eyed."

Amy blinked twice and calmed down. She then slid her fingers over her wet cheek and pulled back to look at her hand.

"Oh." Was all Amy said as she continued to stare at her wet fingers. Amy sniffed before she meet Sonic's gaze again. "So...what happened? If you don't mind me asking?"

"Well..." Sonic began.


Sonic was busy, looking over the guest list to see who had and hadn't RSVPED for their wedding. He scanned the list with his finger looking over the names closely. It wasn't until he found the name he was looking for and saw that they had not RSVPED. He frowned as he looked at the name. But then his fiancé called his name, taking his attention away from the list.

"Um, Sonic, can I speak with you for a moment?" Sally asked, her voice shaky and nervous.

Sonic turned to her and smiled "Sure Sally. What do you need?"

She motioned for him to follow her. He obeyed and was led to a sit down on some steps. Sally looked to the floor, and Sonic could tell something was bothering her, a lot. She wouldn't say anything and avoided eye contact.

"Hey, are you ok? What's wrong?" Sonic asked concerned.

Sally gave a sigh, but still won't look at him "I...I need tell you something."

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