Chapter 13: Part 1/3

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I couldn't be any more bored than I have ever been. Adrien was busy, so was Nino and Alya. I am sitting in my chair in my room, staring at the ceiling. I sigh, sitting up from my position and paced around my room.

I could draw, read, design. 

Nothing seemed very fun at the moment.  I sprawled out on my bed, with my arms sprawled out. I closed my eye's relaxing into my mattress, and just laid there. I took a deep breath, collecting my thoughts. 

I guess I could go patrol. Is it too early?

I looked out my window, to be blinded by the sun. My clock read 1:32 p.m, which was late enough. I urged myself up in a sitting position, dreading that decision. I rubbed my face with my hands and walked over to my dresser. I opened the top drawer, where a sleeping kwami was inside. I nudged Tikki on the shoulder, until her eye's started to open. Tikki yawned and opened her eye's completely. 

"What's wrong Marinette?" Tikki rubbed her eye's, " Is there an akuma?" Tikki slowly flew out, floating near my face. 

"No, I decided to go patroling," I said. "Is that okay?"

Tikki yawned again, " Of course! That's a great idea," Tikki smiled big. I yelled my transformation words, turning into ladybug. I walked out to my patio, and jumped on to the building across the street. The city had tall, black street lamps going down the road. People were walking down the sidewalks, streets, most of them with children right behind them. I smiled, dreaming about having that one day. I ran across the buildings, trying not to disturb anyone. Occasionally I would hear someone call out my name, and I would wave. Why wouldn't you wave? I didn't realized just how far I went until I was at the glass pyramid. I jumped down on to the pavement and looked around, sometimes shaking peoples hands. 

I didn't get much farther than that.

A scream bellowed and bounced off the buildings walls.

"Help!!!" I looked behind me, finding a women running toward me. She had brown hair that was pulled up into a bun, with surprisingly clean clothes. "Ladybug! Help us!" She ran past me pointing in the direction she just ran from. I started running down the street and took a hard left. I swung my yoyo shooting me into the air. I landed on the roof and started running from rooftop to rooftop. I looked at the street while I was running, but didn't see anything. I kept running, sure that I was too far. I stopped running and looked around. There was definitely someone here, cars were flipped, lights were flickering, and people looked dazed. I jumped down to the street and started to help some people.

"Ladybug?" The little boy stood up with a hand on his head, and looked confused.

"Yes I'm right here," I ran over and cleaned off his dirty clothes.

"Do you remember what happened?" A masculine voice came from behind me. Out of the corner of my eye, a saw a big black cat.

"Uh," the little boy scratched his head. "If I remember correctly, their was this man that kept switching identities. He ran that way." He pointed toward the direction I came from. That could only mean one thing. I looked at Chat, then looked back at the boy.

"Thank you, now get back to your parents." The boy nodded and ran towards what I assumed was his parents.

"What now m'lady?"

"We go that way," I pointed down the street. Chat nodded and jumped on the building on the left, and I went on the right. I start running back towards the bridge, jumping over chimney's and buildings. I jumped back on the bridge and was looking for the women I saw earlier. "Where is she?"

"Where is who?" Chat said, while walking in front of me.

"There was this women that I met earlier. She was the one that first warned me about the akuma attack. I thought there was something up with her, her clean clothes and her well done hair.."

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