Chapter 8

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"Plagg, why do you like the most disgusting cheese?" Adrien plugged his nose as Plagg flew around  him in the bathroom. Grabbing his toothbrush and toothpaste, he started brushing his teeth.

"The worst smelling cheese is the best tasting cheese," Plagg said before taking another bite out of his cheese. "That's why Camembert is the best out there," Plagg chewed, " and it's the oldest cheese, just like me!" Plagg looked at himself in the mirror as Adrien sighed. He spit out the leftover toothpaste.

"Whatever you say Plagg, it just doesn't help me smell any better than I would like carrying it around," Adrien  turned on the water and started washing his face. Afterwards wiping his face with a clean white towel.

"Are you trying to smell good for your lady friend?" Adrien stopped what he was doing, and glared at Plagg. Plagg slowly flew back a few inches.

"Doesn't matter," Adrien said turning his gaze toward the mirror. "It wouldn't hurt to try new cheeses, and besides-" Adrien fixed up his part, "-I'm sure that maybe you'll find another favorite cheese." Adrien emphasized those last two words, while Plagg cowered in disagreement. 

"I will never, ever,  try any other cheese. Camembert is like a duplicate of me, we know each other so well!" Adrien laughed while walking out of bathroom. 

On the bed was an open backpack and phone beside it, with a jacket hanged over the edge. Adrien grabbed the jacket, putting is arms through the two holes. Walking over, he put his phone in the side pocket of his backpack. Before closing, he checked everything inside. When he was satisfied he swung the backpack over his shoulder. 

"Come on Plagg, its time to go to school." Plagg took a second to finish his cheese before flying into the jacket while Adrien was walking toward the door. He opened it up to be greeted by Natalie.

"Good morning Adrien," Natalie said while looking at her iPad.

"Good morning." Adrien nodded his head before walking past her and toward the stairs.

Echoes echoed through the house as the two made their way down the stairs. "You have a photo shoot today at 2, then following that you have Chinese lessons till 5," Natalie explained.

"Is there any possibility to free my schedule up at 7?" Adrien stopped and looked up at Natalie. She took a last glimpse on the tablet and nodded. He smiled and continued down the stairs. 

"Tell my father that I'm off to school for the day," Adrien walked through the front doors and out to his car down the driveway. First starting his car, he walked around to the other side. Pulling the cold steel handle toward him, he swung his backpack onto the passenger seat. Shutting the door completely. Now in the drivers seat, he shifted the car to drive and headed towards Nino's house.

Nino was waiting at the front porch when Adrien pulled up. Nino hopped into the car putting Adrien's backpack on the floor while swinging his backpack off his right shoulder.

"Dude! You smell so good today, what's the special occasion? Nino put his backpack on the floor and looked at Adrien with a smirk on his face.

"Just wanted to try something new," Adrien tried to sound convincing, but didn't do it very well.

"Does this have to do with Marinette by chance?" Nino asked while the car started driving again.

"How did you know? Am I that bad of a lier?"Taking a short glance at Nino.

 "Dude, you are a terrible lier. What happened with Marinette this time bro?"

"She finally listened to me yesterday and we kinda well, bonded?" Adrien shrugged his shoulders and put one hand off of the steering wheel. The radio seemed to get louder. 

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