The immortal child and First guard

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After the birth of Renesmee and the awakening of Bella everything began falling into place.

Jacob and I made up with the pack and even the Volturi seem to except Bella and I's new status sending us each a beautiful gift, though they'll want proof eventually.

I pick up the card reading it "I so look forward to seeing the new young Swan. Congratulations." Bella, Edward, Seth, and I all look to each other nervous. Even then it would seem that we have only one enemy left, Time.

Renesmee was growing to fast.

I sigh looking at Carlisle marking her new height and write it down in his book. She then backs of the wall her usual happy self and runs to me and I smile "Can we go play now Y/n, please?" She asked with a huge smile and hopeful eyes.

I look to Bella and Edward asking if it was okay and they nod with smiles happy to see her so carefree.

"Of course." I say with a smile and chuckle as I pick her up and she giggles as I run her outside to play.

We all worried about how long we would have with her. It just made every moment more precious.

It's now December and it's snowing outside white everywhere as I look out the window.

I look back to what I was doing and finish the hot chocolate for Seth, Ness, and Jacob.

I take a sip of mine and then I smile hearing the sound of her laughter entering the house. I grab her cup and walk into the living room to see everyone greeting them.

"Where's my favorite girl." I say with a large smile.

She turns and runs to my arms with a big hug.

We pull apart and I say "Here you go." With a playful wink making her laugh as she goes to play with her drink.

I chuckle and stand up to say hello to Bella and Edward.

It's a while later and Renesmee asked if Bella, Jacob, Seth and I wanted to go play in the snow and we agreed.

Bella smiles watching Ness catch snowflakes and Jacob was in his wolf form while Seth was in human form standing next to me as we hold hands smiling to Ness.

She runs over to us and we bend down to her level "Look a snowflake." She said with excitement.

"It's beautiful." I tell her.

"She's right, why don't you get another one." Bella tells her with a big smile.

"Y/n come with me." Ness asks.

I nod and run with her leaping into the air and holds her hand out as it falls into her palm. I look down seeing Seth smile at me with admiration and smile back.

"Woohoo way to go Ness." Seth exclaims making her laugh happily and she says excited "Sethy I'll get one for you too okay!" He nods.

"Okay but make sure it's the best." He tells her and she giggles making me smile at their little relationship.

I jump down before Ness and say "How about we spice things up huh?" Her eyes light up knowing what I'm about to do and she shakes her head eagerly.

I use my gift and make the snow on the ground rise back up and then throw it into the air as it all snows back down onto her in the air.

She laughs loudly as Bella looks to us and says " Edward thinks that we'll find answers in Brazil. There are tribes there that might know something."

We nod and I say "I hope so." Then look back to Ness as she leaps into the air again catching more snowflakes.

Suddenly Renesmee shoots her head another direction and she runs back over to us hiding behind Jacobs leg.

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