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  Bella, Edward, And I finally pull up to the field where will be playing.

"I'm so excited," I say.

" I know all you've been thinking about is seeing us in action." Edward said with a chuckle.

"Stay out of my thoughts unless I actually call for you how about that huh." I tell him as we get out the car.

"Since when do vampires like baseball?" Bella asks while he puts the cap on her head.

"Well it's the American pass time and uh there's a thunder storm coming. It's the only time we can play." He tells her.

"You'll see why." He says.

I'm so ready to see this finally. I've heard how awesome they play with their vampire abilities it will be worth my while. I see out the corner of my eye Edward trying not to laugh," Oh come on I said stop." I tell him laughing.

I look to the field and see the others.

"Hey guys." I say as we greet them.

"Hey Y/n." I heard from all of them.

Once we get closer I see Carlisle and Rose fighting over a baseball bat and I laugh and give them all hugs. "Glad you guys are here we need an umpire and score keeper." "She thinks we cheat." Emmett said.

" Oh I know you do." She responds to him.

"I believe that completely." I tell Emmett.

"Hey if anything your the cheater." He tells me with a smile. " Oh we're still on this I won fair and square." I tell him.

"Alright come you two. Call them as you see it Bella." Esme says to us then Bells. The game is finally starting.

Alice looks up for a moment than says," It's time."

Rose goes up to the plate and Alice throws the ball so quickly to her I could barley see it. Once the bat makes contact with the ball it makes a huge boom sound similar to thunder.

"Okay now I see why you need the thunder." Bella smiles telling Esme.

Edward than goes running after the ball. " That's gotta be a home run." Bella says. "Edwards very fast." Esme tell us.

Im basically jumping up and down in anticipation. I quickly turn my head to see the ball heading back our way. Esme catches it seconds before Rose slid onto the base.

"Your out." Bella says nervously.

Rose gets up angry," Oh come on babe it's just a game." Emmett yells excitedly.

I laugh and say ," You'll kick their ass next time Rose." She smiles and goes to her place.

When Jasper turn to hit comes up I cheer the loudest, " You got this don't let me down yelling out here like an idiot." He laughs and hits the ball.

We continue to play for a while when suddenly Alice yells ," Stop!" And the others look to the woods on edge. In a second they were all standing around me and Bella protectively.

Jasper was right next to me and Rose on my other side. While the others try to surround us completely.

I don't understand what's happening until I see three people come out the woods. Two men and a women. The one in the middle was dark skinned with dread locks, the other man was pale with blonde hair, and the girl was pale with red hair.

But what I noticed they all had in common was .... red eyes.

I immediately get scared and worried. I feel Jasper grab my hand to comfort me while rose moved my hair around. The others did the same to Bella.

Now and Forever (Twilight  Seth Clearwater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now