Only time will tell

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It's been a month since they left without any word. I've done nothing but lay in bed I just can't find the will to get up.

I know I can't keep doing this forever the people who care about me are worried especially Dad.

Bella's been worse than me though not eating, sleeping, showering, and more. I've gotten calls from Sam and the pack wanting to hang out along with Seth, Leah, Jake, even Angela.

I'm tired of feeling this way and it's their fault they should have know how I would have taken this especially with the bond connection we have. I

sigh and look at the clock to see its ten thirty so I hesitantly get up and look at my self in the mirror. I gasp looking at myself my skin grew paler with no color, my once y/e/c s now dull, even my y/h/c looked deprived.

I go into the bathroom and take a shower. Once I was finished I felt a lot better but went to go check on Bella for the first time.

I open the door and she is just sitting in front of the window staring looking a lot worse than I did.

I decided to shut it and go downstairs to grab some food. I still didn't have much of an appetite so I only made two pieces of toast with butter and y/f/j (your favorite jam). I'm almost finished eating when Dad walks in he looks shocked to see me here but smiles anyway.

"Well, look who's up. You feel good today." He asks.

"Yea, I mean I'm still upset but I can't keep doing this to myself. Just because they left me doesn't mean I shouldn't be happy." I tell him.

"I'm glad your finally coming to see that." He says ruffling my hair.

I chuckle and hear the phone ring. " It's probably Sam or uh Seth they've been asking about you."

"Oh." I say.

I sigh getting up and go to the phone and answer it
"Hello." "Y/n? Is that you." "Yea it's me Sam." I say with a chuckle.

"We've been so worried about you.

Your Dad said you weren't doing to well."

"Yea, I wasn't but then I remembered I have you guys and I'm not alone." "I'm glad to hear that cause your not alone. You have us." "I know that now Sam, so why did you call?" I ask.

"We're having another bonfire and after going camping at the beach. Would you like to come?" He asks hopefully.

"I'd love to." I say with the first genuine smile in a long time.

"Great we'll see you then."

"Bye Sam." I hang up the phone and see Dad looking at me questionably.

"Sam asked if I wanted to go to his place then camp on the beach. Uh if that's okay with you." I say sheepishly.

"Yes. Please as long as your out of the house and happy." He says with a relieved smile.

"Thanks Dad. Well I'm going to go pack." I say and run up the stairs.

(Time skip to Sams)

I got my Dad to drive me to Sams and say goodbye. I walk up to the door and give it a knock. " Oh Y/n. It's so good to see you." Emily says hugging me.

"I've missed you to Em. Sorry for the way I've been acting recently." I say apologetically.

"You don't need to apologize you were hurt. You needed your own time to come to terms with it all." I smile glad she understands.

"Well come on in. I'm making food for tonight you can help if you like the others are out doing pack things." She says with a laugh.

"Sure thing." I say laughing also.

It feels so weird to be this happy again. Just me and Emily talking and laughing while cooking tons of food. While Emily and I were in the middle of dying laughter the back door is pulled open.

We looked to see the boys, when they notice me they all smile shocked and run my way pulling me into a huge group hug. " I missed you to guys." I laugh.

I look and see Sam smiling by Emily watching the scene. We talk for hours until it's sundown and we start the fire with food laid out on all the tables.

We sit down and eating and laughing. Playing jokes on each other. I had just finished shoving ice down Paul and Jared's shirt and they screamed like little girls "Y/n!" They yelled and chased me.

I ran laughing when they finally caught me and we all tumbled to the ground dying from laughter.

"Alright, that's enough come on save some fun for the beach." Emily says laughing.

We get up and start loading the trucks up. I'm riding with Paul in his truck with Jared and Sam and Emily are in his. We pull up five minutes later to the beach we all hop out and set up.

Once we were finished we made a fire and began roasting s'mores. We told some stories and eventually got settled down in our blankets.

I'm sitting on the middle of the truck with Jared and Paul next to me looking at the stars. " This has been the best day I've had in what seems like forever." I say with a smile.

"We're glad. We worried a lot about you." Jared says.

"I know sorry again about that but I haven't felt better than this in a while. I just want to get back to normal again." I say.

"You will. It just takes time." Paul says.

"I never liked those leeches and probably never will, you should be glad there gone." He continues.

I suddenly get sad but push it away. "I don't know. I miss them they were family. I felt like they really cared." I say.

"Sorry to bring them up it's just you've got to move on they weren't good for you anyway." Paul says ending the conversation. Jared smack him in the arm "Dude."

"Sorry but it's the truth." Paul tells him. I sigh and say it's fine and go to sleep.

(Next day)

We wake up to Emily bringing in food from the house. We look at each other than the food and race to see who gets there first.

Of Course the others got there they are faster than me but not smarter so while they are arguing over who makes the plate first I sneak up and steal the containers stuffing my face.

I hear Sam and Emily laugh.

The others confused looked to me and start laughing " Haha." Jared says sarcastically.

I then hand then the food and we eat. Before we leave we played a game of soccer. We hopped in the car and they pulled up to my house.

"Bye guys and thanks for this". I say grabbing my bag.

"Of course anytime." Sam says and pulls off.

I reach the front door and open it heading up to the bathroom to take a shower. After I go to my room brushing my y/h/c hair. I look in the mirror and see the old happy me.

I looked alive again and I couldn't be happier even if I had the constant feeling of sadness thinking of the Cullens.

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