Wolfs out of the bag

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I was at home and Bella suddenly races down the stairs infuriated. " Bella what's wrong." I quickly ask.

"We're going to Jakes now." She says harshly.

I just nod not liking where this is going.

We pull up to his place and she runs to the door with me by her side. She begins to knock on the door and Billy opens it surprised by her presence I sent him a sympathetic look and mouth to him "sorry I could not stop her."

He just nods and says "Bella."

" I need to see him." She says getting to the point.

"He's not in." He tells her.

"I'm sorry I really need to see him." She says pushing past him and going in the house.

"Billy I'm so sorry." I say shocked at what Bella is doing.

"It's fine go get her before something happens." He tells me and I nod.

"Bella." We shout as I find her looking in his room to find him fast asleep.

We hear shouts and she looks at the window and sees Sam and the others.

I quickly say oh shit and try to stop her but she pushes past me angrily walking to them. "What did you do!" She shouts to them as I try to catch up.

When they see us they look at me questioning what's going on and I say "I'm sorry, I couldn't stop her." Bella looks at me confused and almost hurt.

She ignores me and runs up to Sam hitting and shoving him "What did you do!" She repeats angry. "Bella stop!" I shout grabbing her arm only for her to push me away.

That's when Paul gets angry and says "Hey watch it!" But Sam pushes him back saying "Easy." To make him calm down.

I run next to Bella and Embry and Jared are quick to come by my side worried about what might happen. "He didn't want this."she tells them.

"Why What did he do, what did he tell you." Paul angrily spats getting closer. Embry grabs my arm pulling me towards him and the others.

"Both of you calm down!" Sam says in a demanding tone.

"Nothing. He tells me nothing because he's scared of you." She tells Paul.

He laughs and the others do to.

Bella scoffs and punches him in the face and I yell "Bella stop! Enough just go away! Your only making things worse!" She looks to me hurt and very angry even though I only wanted to warn and protect her from her own stupidity.

But it's was to late Paul began to shake with anger
"Too late now." Jared says with a smirk.

Embry pulls me behind him protectively in case things get even more out of hand. "Paul calm down now!" Sam try's to tell him.

But Paul is suddenly replaced with his huge silver wolf and Bella is quick to be afraid and starts to run. Jake finally noticing the scene outside yells her name "Bella!" And come in our direction.

"Run! Jake run!" She yells to him, but he doesn't listen and instead shifts in the air landing on his feet or should I say paws snarling at Paul.

Bella's on the ground in shock while I'm standing smirking at her. "Shouldn't have messed with my boys." I say so only they could hear me.

They chuckle and agree.

It's not like she's going to get hurt, Jakes here now. Paul and Jake start fighting with each other rolling around scratching and biting at each other in anger.

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