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Alright, sorry cant rewrite whats lost. Ugh I hate this website. Watch secret life of pets & animals are weird. The previous documents from season 1 are all gone. If you want them back just ask me. Hers season 2!

The show starts with the introduction of RWBY chibi but the chibi title starts to lean more to ruby and slips off the screen as the RWBY title falls. Black pounces off as, yang falls to the ground, Weiss hangs on to ruby's mark as it spins & ruby slips on the floor. Weiss spins off & ruby breaks her fall painfully as Blake also lands on the fallen yang.

The girls gasped.

Weiss: what just happened? Sorry that my chibi me landed on you ruby.

Ruby: it's ok but poor me.

Yang: I couldn't push the title too hard.

Blake: how did this happened?

"This is so unprofessional." Said Weiss. "You're telling me." Says a hurt ruby. Weiss got off ruby as ozpin comes in yelling cut.

RWBY: Prof Ozpin?

Jing: yeah his really out of character here.

Ozpin asked whats the problem. Yang started first with Blake still sitting on her head. But Blake countered that it was yang who knock the titles over. Weiss was on her scroll. Ozpin told them that accidents happen all the time. But ruby spoke out that what if this is not an accident & their being sabotage.

The girls look at Jing.

Ruby: could it be possible?

Jing: well cinder, emerald & mercury are there so yes its 100% guarantee.

"You mean some nefarious plot being perpetrated by someone in our very own ranks." Ozpin concluded. Than a boom mike hit ruby really hard. & Whos holding the mike? Mercury. As ozpin finished another conclusion Blake moved yang from a falling spotlight. Ruby took out crescent rose. Handling the lights are emerald who says it slips & she send a wink at mercury.

Ruby: those 2!

Yang: the thief & metal butt.

Jing: his legs are metal.

Yang: but their attach to his butt!

Blake: so it's them.

Weiss: how dare they! Ozpin better do something!

Ruby tells ozpin what he said is true. But he just started to laugh. He told her he would be an incompetent leader not to notice these things. He told the girls to run along & play in a forest full of deadly Grimm. Team RWBY had no choice but to comply as Weiss drag ruby by her cape.

Team RWBY stared at him in shock.

Jing: yeah his completely clueless in this world.

Yang: that's gonna get himself killed.

As ozpin walks off the screen the mark falls on top of him by cinder. Ozpin called for help thinking this was just an accident.

Everyone face palm.

In the kitchen Phyrra is using her semblance to float her shield like a UFO above jaune's board game. Nora & jaune are sitting on the table as jaune makes alien theme music.

Weiss: are they playing their made up game?

Jing: I think this is just for fun.

Then Phyrra sneeze losing concentration on her semblance. The shield fell on the toy cows crushing them. Phyrra apologizes & Nora starts to cry like a baby.

The girls winced.

We are in the courtyard with sun, Neptune, jaune, yang (who is holding a dodge ball), ruby & Nora. Penny face opposite of them with zwei. "Thank you for inviting me to play a game of dodge the ball then eliminate the enemies the ball, ruby." Said penny bowing. Ruby told penny it's called dodge ball & this is a friendly game. Penny understands & adjust her her target perimeter.

Yang: she's never played any sports before right?

Jing: nope.

Ruby: we are so doom.

Neptune puts on his mustache & says his junior detective senses can tell something is off about her. Ruby defended penny as a normal person. Penny agrees she is a normal meat person. No one says that.

Weiss: at least that silly senses can actually tell penny is not human.

Blake: nobody says meat person. It kinda sounds like cannibalism.

Ruby: whats penny's character like in this world?

Jing: innocent, a little naïve & she gets most of her words wrong in a non-human way.

Yang & jaune are captains for their teams. Jaune has to pick either penny/zwei. His team mates wanted him to pick zwei but jaune is smarter than to pick a dog for their team. So penny is placed in his team. Sun & Neptune are not happy with the results. Penny is happy to be in their team. "Just try not to get in the way." Said's a defeated sun walking to his place to play dodge ball.

Yang: we are going to get creamed.

Blake: sun shouldn't underestimate penny.

Jaune encourages penny not to listen to sun & just have fun when she activates her target perimeter & takes put ruby first. Then Nora, zwei & yang. The boys are behind penny who laughs.

Yang: dammit!

Blake: well you can't win them all.

The ball roles to yang who wants revenge. The boys are in disbelief. Sun said it was awesome. Yang gauntlets the ball to penny which knocks her head off her body & jaune is holding her head.

Ruby: yang!

Yang: sorry! I blame myself!

Weiss: this won't end well.

"Oh my, this is embarrassing." Says just a head penny. The boys scream as jaune throws her head in the air & everyone makes a run for it including ruby who says she had no idea. Penny puts her head back. She giggles as Neptune comes back telling the audience penny is something weird.

Everyone started to laugh at the panic then calmed down.

Jing: I don't actually know if penny can survive without her head.

Jing: I don't actually know if penny can survive without her head

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