Cool dad

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In the dining room, qrow is teaching his nieces to roll a dice to 1 or in gambling language, snake eyes. Ruby points out their cute. Then taiyang comes in with zwei trying to get a hi-5 but qrow ignores him. Ruby explains their uncle is teaching them a life lesson. Which consist of love is useless, rules are meant to be broken & to cheat without getting caught.

Weiss: that's not life lessons!

Blake: its cruel reality. No wonder he drinks a lot.

Yang: actually uncle qrow taught us something a little similar.

Ruby: yeah, he taught us to be weary of love but trust it in your heart, rules can be bent not broken & there are those who cheat but you can do better than them.

Jing: that is actual morals. Wow.

Taiyang is not happy of qrow teaching his daughters bad morals. Qrow doesn't care since he live through that. He & the girls had a thumbs up. But taiyang prefers himself a model parent teaching those good moral & hygiene. "Its ok dad, you can teach us about the boring stuff & uncle qrow can teach us all the cool stuff." said ruby with such innocence.

All the girls were wide eyed.

Jing: that was cruel.

Ruby: but morals aren't boring. Their fairytales with life, adventure & romance.

Weiss: are you sure your 15?

Yang: besides, dads cool.

Taiyang was shock his girls called him boring. He asked them If his a cool dad. The sisters just laughed. They taught he was joking but his not. He has a tattoo & cargo shorts.

Yang: but dad didn't want me to get a tattoo.

Jing: typical fathers.

Qrow just finds taiyang's desperation adorable. He got off his seat & got the girls to follow him. They were going to set off illegal fireworks. Even zwei followed them. Taiyang was not happy. He sat down & started to imitate qrow. He drank the alcohol qrow left on the table. He spit it out & clutch his throat. It was too strong for him.

Ruby (sighs): poor dad.

Neptune is in bed asleep when the door opens like in a horror film. Then something went in.

The girls were on the edge of their seat.

It was a Grimm Geist ready to scare the pants off the sleeping boy but then someone knocked on the door. The Geist retreated to a hair brush. Neptune wakes up from the noise & sun comes in. he just came back from the gym & needs a shower. He had to gather his towel, a rubber duckie & his tail grabbed the brush. Neptune just went back to sleep. I feel sorry for the Geist.

Everyone's eyes widen at this.

Ruby: epic fail.

Qrow is walking with his nieces in town telling them a waitress story. The girls laugh then their dad comes in on a skate board being pulled by zwei. This surprised the girls but his just trying to be cool. But then zwei had to chase a cat through an intersection. Didn't end so well with the crashing.

Everyone winces.

Yang: poor dad.

At the pool, uncle qrow was showing off his diving skills. Taiyang followed to show off but he slips, hits his head on the diving board several times & belly flops. It hurts a lot.

Everyone winces again.

Blake: your chibi dad is desperate.

Then qrow shows off his dance moves in a night club. His so smooth he caught a glass of his favorite drink from ruby. Ruby, yang & velvet watched him dance by a table. Velvet notices taiyang dancing beside them trying to be cool. The sisters are getting tired of it. Yang even bang her head on the table. Then he trips & falls. His daughters ran to his side.

Yang: dad we love you but please stop.

Ruby wants to know why her father is acting weird all day. He wants his girls to know his cool too, but ruby explains dads aren't supposed to be cool. Their parent. Ruby & yang are proud to have the best dad they could ever asked for & it's better than being cool.

Jing: that's true. You don't have to be cool to be a parent. You just have to be you.

Taiyang is proud he raised such sweet & understanding girls. "Well my work here is done." said qrow taking a sip of his drink. Velvet points out him didn't do anything. Qrow was foreshadowing & he didn't care about velvet's name.

Ruby: wait uncle qrow helped?

Jing: I think he wanted taiyang to learn he can't be cool just be the best dad a child could ever asked for.

Yang: wow uncle qrow is cool.

Weiss: I think his a lazy bum.

Blake: i have to agree with her.

Blake: i have to agree with her

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