"All About That Bass"

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I hate "All About That Bass." Like, a lot. I love the beat and I appreciate the doo-wopp thing it's got going on, but the "message" that is so supposedly powerful is really, really offensive to me.

It seems to me, through lyric analyzation, that the only thing she's saying is "Ha I am slightly overweight AND I CAN STILL GET GUYS." That's... So insanely offensive.

Look, I'm "no size two" either: I have a medical condition that causes me to gain weight way faster than most. So let's just say that I have more than a little junk in all the right places. Also all the wrong ones but whatever. Not the point. What I'm trying to say is this: being that I am of the slightly overweight type, I don't appreciate a song being labeled as touching and so empowering when the whole point is "Yeah it's fine to be overweight as long as you're still getting laid."

I'm not saying a song would help me at all: Hearing that I'm great looking from that song didn't really make me go "OH MY GOD SHE'S RIGHT. I AM MODEL-ESQUE." All it made me think was "Wow this is bullshit and offensive, clearly a money grab." It just pisses me off that this woman is being touted as some sort of body-image savior when all she's saying is "Hey, if you're overweight and still get some dick. If you don't... Well... Eh." I'm sure that's not what she'd say if you talked to her, she seems very nice, but the point of the song is so fucking awful and it's being touted as the next big thing.

But, if it helped you feel better about yourself, it's a good thing. Honestly. Anything that makes you feel better about yourself is a good thing. A great thing, honestly. I know it's cheesy, but everyone is seriously awesome in at least one way, and everyone should know that. I just don't think that the song is as empowering as people say it is. But that's just me. If it helped you, great. 

One last thing: I don't understand what the fuck "All about that bass, no treble" means. I play in an orchestra, so I'm assuming it's because bass instruments tend to be wider than treble instruments? Maybe? No idea. Maybe it's because the note itself is wider spread than a treble note (though that's really stretching it). If someone could tell me, I'd really appreciate it. 

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