Fucking John Green Quotes/Fangirlism

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I get it, okay? He's a good writer. Great, even. By some stretch of the imagination he is original and never, ever repeats plotlines and he never makes overly-complex characters for their age. He's God, really. Just a personification of us as a human race as a whole. We should make him president of the world.

But seriously, if I see another FUCKING QUOTE FROM THE FAULT IN OUR STARS OR HAVE ONE OF MY BOOKS COMPARED TO IT, I WILL LOSE MY SHIT FOR REAL. I am so fucking SICK of getting compared to John Green. At first I was flattered, then I was slightly blushy, fifty fucking times later I'm sick of it. I don't want to be known as "The second John Green" or whatever the fuck term is being thrown around. I know it's not just me, tons of people get compared to him. I'm fucking sick of it. How about "Nice job, love the characters" instead of "OH MY GOD IT'S AUGUSTUS <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 IT'S A METAPHORASDFADOFADFKA"

Go fuck yourselves.

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