Views on Female Masturbation

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I am almost certain that this will get flagged. I could not care less because it needs to be fucking said. 

Do you know how many guys I've spoken to that, when I mention Pornhub, go "What? You know what that website is?" 

What the fuck. Really. Are all guys really that fucking dumb. To all the guys reading my rants: Girls masturbate. All the time. Literally. Especially lesbians. If you message and we don't reply right away or say we're doing something, we're doing ourselves and totally masturbating.

I'm not saying this so guys can just imagine me while they jerk off. Because ew. I'd rather die. Please don't. God, please don't. I have a dog face. Just imagine that. Anyway. My point is not to turn guys on (BECAUSE AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I WOULD NEVER DO THAT), but to prove a point that oh my God when you found out you had a dick we found out we had a clit isn't that fucking amazing and so mind-blowing.

I don't mean to sound patronizing but so many guys think that female masturbation is rarely done and, in some cases, they think it's impossible. Trust me, it's not impossible. It's done. Four times in a row. Multiple days of the week. Wink.

But seriously. This bullshit really needs to stop. I'm sick of getting weird looks when I mention it, because it's fucking normal and expected for guys to talk about cumming fucking everywhere. (Part of the reason I love being a lesbian is because clean-up is easy after sex. I'm very lazy.) Girls, however, if we so much as mention it offhandedly, it's as though we've grown a third head and have fucking alligators for hands.

Like, God damn. It's not that hard to figure out. It's not as though I don't wash my hands, or that I'm doing it to weird stuff (I mean, most of the time...). It's fucking normal. Stop acting like it isn't. And what pisses me off the most is that this is going to get flagged for talking about normal stuff. THANKS WATTPAD. 

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