Fucking Social Causes/Never Shutting the Fuck Up

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Look, I get it. We all have a social issue that we care about. For me, it's homelessness and the fact that so many LGBT kids are being shamed for being themselves.

But I don't come on here to fucking soap box that shit. If I want to donate, I'll do it myself. I'm not going to yell at someone for not caring about the things I do, or try and force them to do so. I understand the want to spread awareness for these things, but Jesus FUCKING CHRIST. Every time I come on here now it's some fucking rant about feminism or how Taylor Swift's video is racist (it's not, if you think it is you're either a white person trying to play World Police and be offended for other people, or you're a fucking idiot-- take your pick).  

Guess what? I don't give a shit. I don't give a FLYING FUCK about what you have to say about feminism, because it's not going to change my opinion on it. Know why? Because every time I see some smug asshole going off about how shameful our society is or some shit, just going on for paragraphs and paragraphs about shit that I DON'T CARE ABOUT, IT MAKES ME HATE YOU. I don't want to be associated with a cause made up of fucking assholes. 

If it's "Hey, I'm really impassioned about this cause and would like to spread awareness," I'm all ears. I have no problems with that, and I love when people try to help other people or the Earth or whatever the fuck you're doing to try and make my life better. But if I don't participate, or I'm not as into it as you are, don't be a fucking asshole about it, and don't make ten posts about how "shameful" society is or a rant about whatever the fuck you're talking about. 

Don't be a dick, because I don't like being associated with dicks.

WooWoo out.

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