People Who Type Multiple Messages for No Reason

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This is a short one but it needs to be said. Hey, everyone who types multiple messages when it's not needed: stop. Please. Sincerely,  My Phone and Eyes. Do you know how irritating it is to look at my phone and see this: 



"This guy was like"


"And I was like 'hi'"

"and i mean"

"He probably"

"Proabably I mean"

"Has a crush on me"

"But maybe not"

GO. FUCK. YOURSELF. You can say that in one message. You're just being an attention whore. This could've been the message: "Hey, so today this guy said hi to me and I said hi back. Do you think he has a crush on me?" So much easier to read. 

The same thing happens on here, when someone leaves multiple comments for no reason:

"I liked this"

"but it's kind of repetitive"

"but overall"

"it was good"

STOP. I KEEP GETTING NOTIFICATIONS. Guess what? Writers on here LIVE for comments. So when I see some asshole leaves like, seven, I get excited over NOTHING. And then I'm pissed at them. 

Overall, stop being an attention whore. WooWoo out.

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