Kim Davis

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Kim Davis really pisses me off, for multiple reasons (one's really obvious if you know anything about me or my "lifestyle choices" as some Republicans so lovingly put it) ((also it's not a choice)) (((there's a lot of scientific backing on the whole "genetics/born being homosexual argument))) ((((it's the correct one you should all listen to that science shit there)))).

But there's one really basic flaw in the whole Kim Davis "debate:" Her excuse doesn't have any fucking backing in court or society. Shouting "GOD IT WAS GOD GOD'S LAW" isn't a reason to do anything against the law. People constantly compare this to Martin Luther King's famous imprisonment for violating a parade law and still giving a speech because the law was obviously just for segregation, and here's the problem with that: Martin Luther King didn't do that shit for God. Well, I take that back. He may very well have. But he didn't base his argument on a force/person that not everyone believes in. That's not offensive, by the way; it's a fact. I'm not intruding on her right to believe in whatever she wants. I strongly believe that anyone should be able to practice or believe in whatever brings them happiness as long as it doesn't intrude on anyone else's rights.

Kim Davis is violating the rights declared by the Supreme Court and federal law that LGBT couples deserve (because we're fucking human beings). "God's law" doesn't mean "I can pick and choose what parts of the law I like, ignore other parts (LIKE FEDERAL LAW), and then intrude on other people's personal lives they have literally nothing to do with me." If the state was saying that she couldn't believe LGBT couples are immoral or whatever she chooses to believe, that would be wrong and she would have the right to do this. But they're not saying that; they're not the fucking thought police. Accepting something as law doesn't mean that you have to personally believe it. I don't agree with war at all, but I don't fucking refuse to do anything with the government because they're involved in war; I realize that there are reasons that it exists and there are even benefits. But, mostly, I can't do anything about it and it really doesn't involve me. Abstaining from violence and needless bloodshed, even petitioning, those are all reasonable things I could do. But I wouldn't GET A JOB AS A MILITARY RECRUITER AND THEN REFUSE TO ALLOW PEOPLE TO ENTER THE MILITARY. BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE STUPID.

Point two. "God's law" can be interpreted in many different ways and doesn't even exist to a (relatively large) amount of people. That's why we have laws. If I ran out today and stole a car to get to church and said "Oh, God's law is that I have to make it to church but I don't have a car," that wouldn't pass in court because I broke the law. If we start accepting "God's law" as an excuse as a society, we accept everything that comes along with it. That's why this is a slippery slope that makes no goddamn logical sense. Just like you can't say freedom for one person and no freedom for another, you can't say "God's law works here" and then it doesn't somewhere else. Terrorism can be a type of "God's law." Just look up all the crazy shit people have done because they believe God made them do it or the Bible did or Yahweh caused them to or whatever thing people believe in (there are tons). It's not the religion's fault; religion's main purpose is to give people enlightenment and lead them to a better life. There's nothing wrong with that. The problem comes when people abuse a sensitive issue to get what they want. Pulling a "God's law" excuse to invade on the privacy of people's lives and violate federal law isn't something that has any fucking grounds.

Point three. This one is really simple. If Kim doesn't want to issue gay marriage licenses, she can fucking quit her job and do something else. Done. Boom. Stress out of your life. I don't understand why she can't just grow the fuck up and realize that this is something that really has nothing to do with her, and that gay couples aren't hurting anyone, but if that's what she chooses to believe that's her choice entirely. But there isn't an excuse for "I'm not doing my job on moral grounds, but I won't quit." If you had a religious aversion to killing cows, you probably wouldn't go out and apply for a job at fucking McDonald's, or a slaughterhouse. Because that makes sense. I understand she already had the job, but seriously. Don't be such a whiny bitch and ruin other people's special moments in their life. People wait years to get married and find the right person, and Kim is ruining that by being a little bitch and refusing to quit her job.

Kim, stop being a little bitch. Quit your job or go to jail. No one is intruding on your right to think what you do. Someone can be privately racist, but they can't go out and deny to sell clothes to a member of a certain race. This is the same deal.

Stop being a little bitch. Thanks.


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