"Banksy is Racist!"

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So, if you didn't know, I FUCKING LOVE BANKSY. If you don't know who Banksy is, he's a graffiti artist based in Britain who uses stencils and (predominently) black paint to make very liberal and politically-themed art. He's fabulous and I really recommend you look him up.

Now. Here comes the yelling. I'm sorry. 

Tumblr keeps accusing Banksy of bring racist. Why? Really fucking beats me. Maybe it's because, due to his stenciling style (black and white) his stencils are predominently white people? But he does have stencils with minorities, and he's also NOT FUCKING RACIST DUE TO A STYLE HE CHOOSES.

But the biggest thing I've seen, which Tumblr users have followed like fucking sheep (I swear to God if someone did that "H2O is an evil chemical" experiment on Tumblr it would end with a petition to the government), is that Banksy "claims" the areas of lower-income taggers, and only "white upper-middle class people view it."

Let's say the opposite: if a black/Mexican/Asian/Native American/whatever guy started tagging in white neighborhoods, and only people of his race saw it, he'd be a HERO and FABULOUS. 

In other words, this is another case of Tumblr's "This is a white man and I don't like it." 

Jesus FUCKING CHRIST PEOPLE HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY IT. BEING WHITE AND DOING SUCCESSFUL THINGS DOESN'T MAKE YOU A FUCKING RACIST, IT MAKES YOU FUCKING SMART. Banksy is SUPER liberal and I'm 99.9% sure he's even done tags on race relations. But no, not enough. You're a white guy causing a stir where minorities could be. THAT'S NOT HIS FUCKING FAULT. He's a good stencilist. He's actually my FAVORITE GRAFFITI ARTIST. Is it because he's white? No. Fuck off. It's because I agree with his views and think his stencils are intricate and very interesting.

On the "claiming minority neoghborhoods" shit, a) I've never once heard him "claim" anything, he hides his fucking face so no one knows who he is, and b) that's called a "free market," you fucking idiots.

In economics, a free market is the best choice. By far. Am I a capitalist? No, I'm more of a socialist. But in economics, you ALWAYS want a free market. If you don't know, a free market is the term used where trade is not determined or controlled by the government. It is regulated to stop dangerous or illegal materials, but it prevents a monopoly  and allows the smaller guys to get big. Graffiti art is a really good example of a free market.

People can tag wherever the fuck they want, and people decide who they like best. They don't know who did it. No idea. A tag normally has a name but most graffiti artists hide themselves because (unfortunately) graffiti is illegal. The people decide. Not their skin. I shouldn't even fucking HAVE to say this. But on Tumblr, if you're white, you're automatically under suspicion. Fuck. You. Fuck you. So, no, Banksy isn't a fucking racist. He may not even be white, you fucking IDIOTS. IF YOU KNEW A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G ABOUT BANKSY YOU'D KNOW HIS IDENTITY IS HIDDEN.

Stop blaming everything on white people and stop trying to turn everything into a race issue. It's not. 

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