Election Fear

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So the last few hours have been kind of weird. It's like America got really drunk last night and today is the hangover when we realized we made out with that one coworker we really don't like. 

I've been going on Tumblr throughout the day to look at shit that makes me laugh and to put me in a better mood. For all of you who are upset or scared: don't be. Everything will be fine. And that is coming from a gay woman. Take some time to relax and laugh for a bit. Hang out with your friends. Go drinking if it's legal (but I won't narc you out, I've got your back).

One of the best articles I've read today was by David Wong, titled Don't Panic. There was one sentence in particular that stood out to me as particularly truthful: "The America you knew did not disappear. It is still right here." 

There are people all over the media describing this as the end of the world, the end of democracy: it is not any of these things, not by a long shot. Is it scary? Yes. But living in fear and telling one another that there will be beatings in the streets and nuclear war will not help anyone. If you are doing that, please, for the love of God, stop. The nation is already scared, there is no reason to make those of us who were primarily targeted by GOP any more nervous than we already are. We should be caring for one another and sending each other funny shit, not trying our best to scare the shit out of one another.

There will be comments saying that I am out of touch. That I don't know what I'm talking about when I say that everything will be alright, that nothing will be alright, no, never again. That may be true. But to say that there will be violence and terrorist attacks and nuclear threats... No one knows that. No one in any political sphere ever predicted that Trump would even take office; how are we to say what he will do next? He is a horrible man, we know this. But I'm going to tell you all something shocking: nothing that you knew yesterday went away. That fear of violence and intimidation that you feel? That was always there. We knew it was. It's just at the forefront of our minds now, because the impossible happened. Do not live in fear because of something that may not ever happen. Live your life, tell those who you love that you love them, and enjoy what you have. Be thankful that you live in a country where these things do not go unnoticed, and that people can react the way they have. We still live in a democracy. None of that has disappeared. 

But there is a more important message I wanted to share: to those of you who feel personally attacked or threatened by the GOP, we are here for you, as a nation. Do not let fear overwhelm you and make you think that we live in an unkind place. Whether you are gay, Muslim, illegal or legal, many of us want you to know: we want you here. So badly. You truly make America a better place. Don't let anyone tell you that you don't. Do not live in fear. You are welcome, and you will always be welcome. 

Hope does not disappear overnight.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2016 ⏰

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