Pages of our Life

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It was on a fine morning at the end of August which something magical happened.

Summer was sparkling its last rays of sun, the sky was a celebration of baby blue shades, gold rays of sun and soft clouds. Soon enough, their wedding would happen — Finn and Millie would have married on October 17 2019, exactly a year after their first meeting in the mansion.

An idea of Wolfhard, of course.
His baby doll found it so romantic, she smashed so many kisses all over his face for that news — but truth was, she would take any excuse just to kiss him.

That day, Finn was busy at Royal Mountains, and she was simply bored; all alone in that giant house, neither studying sounded tempting enough to take her away from her dullness.

Sure, she would call Lilia to chat a bit, but her best friend was working too and she would have seen her the following day with Noah, for her monthly wedding dress fitting, and for a very special event.

So, what to do?
Maybe chatting with her baby and giving him or her all the positive vibes as she had? That could be a nice idea.

She looked down at her three month baby bump as she was laying down the deck chair near the pool. In a few hours she had to go at Heaton's clinic, for her monthly ultra sound scan; she always looked forward to it as she would have seen her baby slowly growing up.

"Suggest something mommy can do today?" Millie laughed, tapping her tummy delicately.

How she liked talking to her bean.

Those two were an only thing, and it was just fun talking to the baby. She hoped her child would listen to her and assist to her daily adventures.

"Well, you're not very chatty, are you? Dad is. He's always like brat I hate you, brat I love you, I'm the one who makes the rules, blah blah blah, you wish you could turn him off." She laughed, picturing a moment that she foretasted so much.

Finn carrying their baby around and teaching how to play the piano. That image was stuck on her mind, as it was the only thing that made her carry on.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, I love him sooo much, you wouldn't be here if I didn't. But he's such an idiot. Like, really, I don't know how you will bare with him once you meet him."

"But he's so sweet and romantic too. Sometimes, I just wonder if your grandpa didn't have that debt, what would have happened? Your dad would never bought me, he would be married to Grace, the bad men would have taken his happy ending away. He would be... still a beast, right?"

"A beast, this is how defined himself." She mumbled, enchanted by that bright patch of blue of the sky beneath her.

The late summer breeze was swaying the trees near the field, moving the leaves. They were alive, existing, and she felt like one of them — Millie was not a dying tree anymore, as she once defined herself. Instead, she was blossoming into something new and marvelous, like the red roses surrounding her.

Her eyes focused on the crimson flowers, twinkling in admiration.

A red rose. A spoiled man. A monster, inside and outside. Her brain was processing, you could even hear the gears spinning in that pretty smart brain of hers. Her eyes widened, as she got finally got that unrepeatable sparkle of luck.

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