Old Habits

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"So... how did it go, Sir? With Millie?"

These words were uttered by Gaten.
The trio was coming back home; Finn was laying down on the leathered backseats of the Mercedes, fingers intertwined behind his neck, and eyes locked to the ceiling, and a clear love struck smile was appearing on his lips.

"She's amazing." Finn just said, simple as that; there were no proper ways to describe how all the day went.

A night of pure love and sweetness followed by a clear morning sky of delicious words and stolen promises.
If that was Heaven, he swore to God, he couldn't wait to feel it again.

"Have you been... cautious?" Caleb dared to ask, not because he wanted to know their private business —or maybe yes— but because he knew his boss and his tendencies of being very impulsive, in a way.

"We didn't do it, dumbass. You have now your scoop to chat with the maids back home." Finn snorted, closing his eyes; he knew they always did it, for as much as he hated people talking behind his back.

"Oh. That's new." Caleb chuckled, shaking his head.

Finn bit his lips, containing another foolish smile, "We were this close, though. If you morons didn't call me right when Millie was finally about to let herself go with me!"

He still felt it; his hands cupping her breast so easily, stroking it with absolute tenderness, each caress corresponding to a never ending rush of pleasure inside of him.
If Millie was a color, he was sure of it, she would have been red; that shade of red you see on roses just bloomed; the red of her lips when he kept biting them shamelessly, marking that body as something sacred, too perfect to be real; or red, the color of that infinite lust and desire he felt for her since the start.
What a blissful sensation.
His teeth grazing her skin, an unexplored part of her that she was comfortable enough to show him. Just him.

He smiled as a simple conclusion came to his mind: the one that he wanted Millie. Every day. Every hour. Every night. Awaken. Asleep. In real life. In his dreams. That was madness, a total nonsense; because it was not just a primordial impulse, or just the satisfaction of ten minutes. No, it was more, it was the desire to make her feel loved — the main and simple distinction between having sex and making love. And he had sex for so many years...
Ironically, he never made love, neither once.
The only one who wanted to have that experience with was Millie, his angel in the purest form. Just her... to making him feel alive.

"We are sorry, but Miss VanderWaal would have asked questions if she didn't see you sleeping in your own bed, Mr. Wolfhard." Caleb snorted.

"Yeah, I bet she would have gone insane." he shrugged, as he noticed how Gaten had been quiet for all of that time.
That was strange.

Also, the drive was awfully longer than usual. From the mansion to her house it took two hours since they lived just in two opposite poles of the city; but that time was something else for sure.

"Gaten why the fuck are we taking this long?" Finn inquired annoyedly, not recognizing the road in which they were in.

"There is a car which has been following us since Millie's place, Sir."

That was it.
Few words that completely turned on the panic inside of Finn. It was there, in his body; it was scary and awful, that rush of electricity running through his veins. He didn't have the situation under his control, and that, to him, was the most frustrating and scariest thing in the whole world.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Finn finally got up from the seats, looking at the rear mirror and staring at a raggedy blue vehicle keeping a certain distance, but never leaving them.

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