Friends don't lie

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Millie was tapping the pencil on the table of the café, while her thoughts were lost in a cloud of lovely and adorable thoughts.

Oh, her mind really couldn't think about something else: his hands caressing hers hips; his soft curls tickling her forehead; his shiny and beautiful eyes, adorable and so dark, the ones she would have drown herself in; the tender brush of his lips on her scented vanilla neck; the way he tenderly kissed under the fireworks...

Oh God, Millie, just stop. He is getting married, she thought shamefully, breathing loudly soon after; but really, all she could do was smile widely. She had her first kiss, and something like that was simply too good to be true.

But those were the words she kept telling to herself for the past days, since Finn and her built that silly and childish fort in his basement, since they went to Disneyland, having fun as two kids, since they have admitted — more or less — that they might have felt something for each other, since they shared their first kiss, her true love kiss, a magical moment she wanted to experiment again.

The girl really couldn't deal in staying at the mansion for all of her day as her mind was just too full of thoughts; so, even if Jacob's men were probably still out there looking for her, she had decided to sneak out. She just needed a breathe of fresh air, and most of all, being alone, far away from everybody; independence was something she really missed since Finn hired her there.

He would have gotten angry for sure, but she didn't care. The more she stayed there, the more that beautiful and scary feeling was eating her alive. Also, the end of her days as Wolfhard's housemaid were getting closer, and every hour that passed by, she felt like her breathe was slowly disappearing. Her heart simply hurt, because her eyes wouldn't have seen him anymore for the rest of her life.

As her pen was fluidly sketching some heart doodles on her notebook, and her smile was foolish and lovestruck, her mind flew elsewhere, probably to Finn's office, at Wolfhard & Co. building, where Finn was going on with his ordinary life; for him, it seemed almost easy. He already had everything he wanted, and all the money he needed in order to buy things and escaping from his incoming (and unwanted) marriage.

To her, instead, was even more difficult: she would have been stuck in Vancouver, in her usual and boring provincial life once again. She would have missed him; she didn't know what would have happened in the moment Grace would have married her boyfriend — boyfriend? Could she even call him like that?

She snorted, throwing the pencil on the little rectangular shaped table, "Stop overthinking, Millie."

While rubbing her hands on her tired face — even though she didn't study that much, and her extra strong tea seemed not working either, she closed all of her text books, almost ready to collect her things, pay and going away; but when her gaze met the body of the person standing in the shop, busy in choosing what to order, her heart started to beat faster.

Months had passed, and she hadn't seen him anymore since that day, that fateful November night in which Finn and her slept together for the very first time and that would have leaded to their deal and to the beginning of their story.

"Conor!" she yelled, perhaps too enthusiastically, as the boy turned himself and frowned in the right moment his icy look met hers. His face was covered by a pair of dark thick sunglasses, which was weird, as there was no sun up in the sky.

Abruptly, he slipped his wallet inside the back of his pocket, and escaped from the store quickly, leaving Millie standing there in pure confusion.

After collecting her things and wearing her pink coat, Millie ran after him (clumsily) and tried to stop him, touching gently her wrist.

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