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After the disappointment she felt during the last half hour of the night before, Millie started to question herself if accepting the deal had been a good idea.

She really didn't know why but Finn's words made her feel upset, but it was stupid and illogical to feel that way: she was just helping him to get a girl, so, technically, she didn't have to give a damn.

But on the other hand, he made her feel appreciated for all night, putting all the effort he could, and that person that was slowly emerging... was someone she found extremely attractive.

Millie sighed, while biting the pencil she was using to write. She was attending one of her lectures, and, while she was looking out the window, she noticed that it started to rain outside. The weather was awful, grey, a little bit disappointing, just like the feelings she had in her heart.

Finn was more than a pretty face, and that was for sure. He was complex. Yes, he was seriously disturbed, and that was due to the fact he basically saw his own mother killed and because he stayed with her for God knows how many hours before the police or the ambulance could take her away. A baby of five, laying in a pool of blood, caressing probably his mom's hair, while she was lifeless. Yes, he was caressing a woman still after she exhaled her last breathe which had lead her to the eternal silence.

But a part from his issues about control, that cocky stubbornness (which she had too), or his crazy possessiveness... he wasn't that bad when he was tamed. She passed her fingers on the corners of her cherry lips, remembering how he basically cleaned her with a napkin, removing the sauces off her face.

Her dream was still vivid in her mind. And even in her dream, they didn't kiss. That was just extremely... weird. And she thought about it all night, feeling warmed up and out of breathe, with the purely instinct to touch her lips again and again, trying to understand why did she like that inappropriate and simple fantasy so much.

Finn was good in flirting, perhaps, even seducing. No wonder his girlfriend couldn't eat or doing the most basic things when he was around.

"... and this is the end of the lecture. Remember, the assignment must be sent in two weeks. Have a good day." the professor had said while the class quickly and unashamedly quitted the room without thinking twice.

Millie, instead, was slow; she was still drowning in her thoughts. She felt upset for the day before, when he said: "I am not available". But the way they danced... the way he looked at her, making her feel like a princess, was a beautiful emotion she was start to conceive in her pure heart.

And she came to a simple conclusion: Finn Wolfhard was just bad and good at the same time.

She rolled her eyes while putting her stuff in the bag and removed her roundish golden glasses. She quickly ran out from the building, ready to go home, when a shiny Mercedes caught her attention. And she knew who was inside.

With a groan of frustration, the girl walked by and opened to door, slipping in; she really hated that Gaten had to pick her up like she was a sort of baby who couldn't deal with herself.

"Gat— What are you doing here?!" Millie exclaimed surprised, while she found Finn dressed for work, checking his mobile phone and casually sitting next to her.

She stared at him; she couldn't deny he was very nice when he was dressed with a silk black suit. He was very classy, even in the posture: she liked the way he crossed his leg, how gently he was tapping his fingers on the phone, or how that kind of waterfall of curls was caressing his forehead, covering his left eye. He was... divine that day.
While she was simply a mess.

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