Hungry Eyes

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"Do you want to see the dawn with me?"

His question was the cherry on top.
Sealing such a nice and open-hearted declaration of love with that offer was like seeing the light after centuries of darkness.

She nodded, muffling her words since her mouth was so close to his shoulder, "I'd love to."

Still having his gorgeous fiancée in his arms, Finn lulled her back and forth, not wanting to let her go.

It was real, it was true: she said yes, and they were about to fulfill their dreams. Step by step, they would begin their story together as husband and wife. There were still so much things to say, so much to plan; their escape, their new life, their new identities...

But Gaten was dealing with it, and he would have got new passports soon. Lilia had finally found the perfect place for them in a remote city in Southern Italy, lost in the citrus field and surrounded by a turquoise sea. Caleb was transferring his money to a secret bank account, the necessary amount that would have allowed them to live like a princess and prince, without worrying about nothing.

His friends (it was so strange calling them like that) were helping them getting their happy ending. They knew where he was in that right moment — and they couldn't be happier. Especially Lilia, who cried all the night before.

"I can't believe this is actually happening." The blonde sobbed, seeing the diamond ring and shaking her head in complete disbelief.

"I can't believe it either. Do you think it will work? Will she forgive me, Lils?"

"Yes. I have no doubt she will. Oh my God, come here, Finnie. I am so happy for you." She dragged him in her arms, tightening her warm embrace so much that it took all of his breathe away.

"I am so fucking scared. What if... what if..." Finn struggled to find the words.

One night could change everything.

Just one night and their lives would finally unchain again. He just needed to try, to jump in the void, and God only knew how risky it was — facing the unknown, the uncertainty.
But Millie, his perfect and angelic Millie, was worth a shot.

Eyes on eyes, Lilia was about to convince him, "Honey, look at me: she is the one. She is the person you are meant to spend your life with. Go and get you happy ending, sweetheart. No matter what will happen. No matter how things will complicate. Only death can tear you two apart, and you know what you say to death? Not today."

Not today.
Yes, Lilia was right.

Pulling over the red cabriolet, they made it to a little hill just up the field. From that spot, there was an outstanding view: the glowing poppies, the greenish natural landscape and what was their house, their secret bubble, their refugee. One day, they were sure of it, they would have come back and that was about to be their home — Castle Wolfbrown, in which they would have raised up their children. A place in which their fights and makes up would have taken place; a place of peace and quiet; a place just made for them.

"Hey, where are you going?" Finn asked, as he saw Millie moving and unfastening her seat belt.

"Seeing the colors of the dawn with you?" Millie answered ironically, trying to get out from the Audi.

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