Teach Me

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Finn Wolfhard hadn't slept that good in years; he blinked a countless number of times while waking up and instinctively stretching his arms. Even if his body was aching, he felt well rested and relaxed.

He took a quick glance to the balcony; that November day was cloudy, windy, and absolutely cold, and he could tell it by the way the glass of the windows was condensed on the outside; he tried to wrap himself under the soft and fluffy blankets some more, ignoring all of his commitments, business meetings and so on; he just wanted to stay there and not going out... and how could he be presentable in those conditions anyway?

The pain on his hands and on his face was still there, unfortunately. And all of those bruises would not have gotten away easily; he remembered the fights he had when he was young, all of the punches he gave - and received - and so on. At least, those lessons had been useful to him.

Still, that day he didn't want to talk, breathe, live; he just wanted to stay alone.

Even if he wasn't alone.

He looked at his side, finding Millie sleeping next to him, with a hand rested delicately on her pillow and her cherry lips partly disclosed; he remembered how sweetly she caressed his curls in order to make him fall asleep, the warm of her perfect little body, or how nice she was when she whispered those words:

"Just for tonight..."

That maid was something else for sure; he was doing the weirdest and stupidest things ever since he met her. But, he had to admit it, he was glad that she was safe, that at least he could have saved her from Sartorius' men.

I'm going to fucking destroy you, Finn thought, while remembering the face of Millie screaming his name, terrified and completely hopeless, while trying to fight back the killers.

Millie's scream hunted him for all the night before, and he felt the need to go to his room and play something, in order to communicate something with his mother, in order to not think of what would have happened if she didn't wear the GPS he used to follow her, in order to isolate himself from that crazy feeling that was stuck in his chest every time she looked at him.

Yes, Finn knew Millie was just a maid, someone's who was urged to stay there because she needed to repay her father's debt, but, at the same time, he was glad she didn't run away for good. Since she entered his caothic life, things were starting to change.

He kept observing her, how her chest was raising up and then it went down, mesmerized by the rhythm of her breathe; she was still wearing that idiotic pajamas, her hair was a mess and, despite all of that, she was still one of nicest girls he had ever seen in his God damn life.

But she also screwed everything up.

He hadn't talk to Grace for a whole month; his father was still mad at him; Sartorius apparently hired some random mother fuckers in order to hurt and take revenge of him; and he was starting to realize that little girl was driving him completely insane.

He passed a hand through his messy curls, without even noticing that Millie was mumbling with herself, still asleep. He felt his body surrounded by her tiny arms, hugging him tightly, while a sleepy and adorable look was painted on her pale face.

"Kiss me." she whispered, rubbing her face on his chest, making Finn totally cringe.

What the fuck?, he thought, trying to move her away. But she was stuck on him, sleeping, with a silly grin on her face. Finn's heart started to beat fast, like it was a drum.

He couldn't stop it. He didn't want to feel it. He didn't want to fall. He wanted to avoid that fucking emotion that was slowly emerging in his stomach.

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