Tale as Old as Time

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It was the 17th of October, 2019.

Autumn had started, multicolored leaves were falling down the trees, and like the year before, the season marked the beginning of something new, absolutely amazing and scary, a crazy adventure both Millie and Finn didn't predict.

But that they were very glad of.

"I think I'm going to fucking vomit."
Finn Wolfhard couldn't be more serious about it.

There was something in the air that was electrifying his being, his soul, and for that reason, he couldn't stop fidgeting or growing anxious each second passing by.

How could he avoid the panic rising? The feeling of actually getting what he had ever wanted in a lifetime?
A family, someone who loved him for who he was and not for who he had to be.

He felt his neck wrapped by a black tie, made of silk, a relevant accessory added in order to give him an outstanding look.

He looked at his reflexion: the image was the one of a man who was about to marry. Black tux, elegant, wild curls tried to be tamed by the strongest hairspray. An impeccable result.

Could you really believe it? No, he couldn't.
That was fucking insane, according to his words.

It just took one person to change his life. One. A single number to turn his life upside down, and that miracle had multiple names. Baby doll. Brat. Baby love. But at the end of the day, it was always Millie.

The usual smiley, lovely Millie who never failed to make him feel a vortex of marvelous feelings.
She was each butterfly flattering inside of his chest; she was in every note he played; in the air he breathed; his life.

"If you throw up on your tux now, Lilia is literally going to kill you." Caleb rolled his eyes, while finally tucking inside of the groom's pocket a little tiny red rosebud.

"What if... what if she runs away?" His words were a mix of pure nausea and missing breathe.
So untypical from him.

"You're going to get her back to you." Gaten simply replied, showing his smile — not toothless anymore.
For the occasion, he wanted to show his new shiny pearls.

"Have you guys already seen her?" Anxiety engulfed his throat, his palms sweaty.

Both of his friends nodded, containing their playful smiles. "Oh, we surely did!"

"And? How's... how does she look?" He couldn't even imagine how gorgeous she could be.

She just was on regular basis; a beauty in every sense. Inside and out. But with a wedding dress like the one she wore many months ago in that mall?
An absolute dream come true.

Caleb looped an arm around him, staring at their own reflection, "You are going to lose your shit. Lilia outsold herself with her dress."

"And you can clearly see the baby bump!" Gaten added, just to remark the fact that Millie was five months pregnant now, and the day of their baby coming to life was getting closer, giving sense to his existence.

And now that they found out about the gender, his life gained even more colors, as it was an explosion of vitality. There were not grey or black days anymore; just an everlasting rainbow.

"Well, they know how to kill me, don't they?" He smiled, but that tight expression was just the anxiety bubbling inside each gut of his.

"They surely do! Now," Gaten said, rubbing both of Finn's shoulders, "Do you remember the vows? Are we ready to go?"

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