Chapter 1 Coming Home

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I stopped for gas at the only gas station. It was the only one in town. Memories flooded back. The pump behind me is where me and BG came to get gas for his bike. I still can feel the wind in my hair and the smell of his cologne. The gas pump shut the gas off causing me to come back to reality. I finished up and got in my 1500 red Ram truck. As I drove through town everything brought up a memory.  The water tower came in the view.

I stood by my window for BG to come get me on that dang bike of his. I heard it come down the street.  I slid out of my window and landed on the ground. I got up to my feet. He parked and I jumped on the back. He drove to the water tower. We walked up the stairs and sat on the edge. He pulled me in for a kiss. I tasted whiskey on his breath.    

"Brantley Keith have you been drinking?!" He shook head no.

I shook my head to clear the memory . That was when our relationship took a turn for the worst. I turned on the radio to keep the memory away. 

"Hey y'all  this is Brantley Gilbert's song You don't know her like I do. He said that this was made for the girl that got away." He played the song. I wondered if this was about me. The little voice in my head said that it wasn't about me it was about the last person he dated. I rolled my eyes at the thought.  I changed the station. I sang with Luke Bryan.

I turned in the drive. Right in front of me was my child hood home. It was a little log home. That me and my parents shared well used too.

My dad died 1 year ago. When the funeral was over my mom had a heart attack. Since than I was packing and making arangments for my job. My job was a write songs. Mostly I've made songs for Carrie Underwood, Miranda Lambert, Thomas Rett was my latest person. Me, Carrie and Miranda had grown so close that they were my best friends. I will still be writing with them and hang out with them every chance I could. They understood that I had to take care of my mom.

I grabbed my bag that I had brought and went up the drive. I knocked and opened the door. My mom was in the kitchen. I put my bag down and went to give her a hug. "Hi mama! How are you feeling today?"

" Hey baby! I'm doing ok today. All your stuff is in your room." I had my stuff moved here before I came.

"Ok thank you mama." I went and grabbed my bag. I walked into my old room. I found that all my stuff was put away. "Mama." I said with a sigh. She should not be doing this stuff. I opened my bag and got everything out and put away. I went out in the hall.

"Mama! You should not be putting my stuff away!" I looked at the carpet and slammed in to some one. "Oofff!" I fell on the floor a tall giant looked down at me. "Kolby?"

"Short thing? Is that you?!"

"Yes it's me." He put his hand down to help me up. I took it and got in to a bone crushing hug.

"I can't believe that its you!  Hell did you get shorter?!" I could tell  he was excited because he was talking very loudly.

"Kolby..... can't breath!" He let go. We both heard loud foot steeps coming to us.

"What is going on Kolby and why are you talking so loud!?" BG came around the corner and we locked eyes.

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