(44) Susanoo

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Mitsuko POV

I stiffened. Maybe I was just seeing things. There was no way Madara was looking at me from way up there...right?

His eyes narrowed and I watched as many shinobi stiffened including me.

He jumped down from up above and I immediately ran away.

This was not good. I knew most sides of Madara, his happy side, his calm side and his possessive side and more but I had never seen him full-on fight.

I knew he was legendary. I knew he was strong but I had never really seen it.

I was kind of regretting not taking the offer to see his strength that day.

I watched as he faced the army all alone and I felt myself get worried.

This was suicide, wasn't it?

There was no way he could take them all on.

He began to walk towards them and I resisted the urge to yell at him to go back. He would be okay, hopefully.


A meteor.

He had summoned a meteor.

It blocked out the sky and everyone knew they were defeated.

Madara was amazing. Utterly powerful and the whole time he had kept his face stone cold.

Somehow I was disappointed though. He was going to kill so many people.

I looked around at all the shinobi whose eyes were covered with awe and fear.

What if they had families?

I felt a sickening feeling sink into me.

I was usually compliant with whatever Madara wanted but this was just cruel.

Suddenly I was reminded of what Zetsu had told me.

"If Madara-sama begins to fight you need to run away towards those trees. You need to get out of range."

My eyebrow rose,"That far? What if that's not far enough."

"If he's not too annoyed with you he'll probably save you. If not you'll die."

I looked up at the sky to see the meteor coming towards the land.

I was panicking. There was no point in running. I wouldn't make it.

I stood up but I didn't know what to do. That was when I made eye contact with Madara.

He was glaring at me intensely.

I rubbed my hands and bowed my head.

"Please save me," I mumbled.

He just stared at me so I did an official bow, bowing half way.

He looked away from me and I frowned before looking down at the ground.

"You're an idiot."

I looked up to see Madara standing in front of me.

"B-But you were just-"

"That's a clone."

I nodded slowly.

I watched as his blue aura appeared out of nowhere but it wasn't protecting me.


I looked up at the sky to see the meteor had stopped.

I smiled, "Hah! I don't have to apologize for anything."

"Another one is coming."

"What? Really?"

He began walking away and I ran after him.

"I'm sorry. Madara...dodon't let me die."

"That's not good enough," he said.

I tried to grab his arm but his Susanoo was in the way.


He didn't respond.


He didn't respond.

"Stop being a stubborn Uchiha and help me!"

"Will yelling at me really help you in this situation?"

"Madara I-"

"Oh, it's here."

I watched as the meteor crashed down.

"Madara please I-"

I felt him yank me by the arm against his chest and give me a quick kiss.

His Susanoo appeared out of nowhere and the meteor crashed down a second later.


It was so dark.

I looked up and what I saw was Madara holding up a huge rock.

His eyes were focused and he threw it to the side.

"I decided a long time ago that I wouldn't kill you so even if you were to die it wouldn't be by my hand."

I smiled before going to hug him but he looked up at once.

"It seems the five kage are here....this could be fun."

Fun? Did he think battling against the five kage would be fun?

"Madara...dodon't tell me...you haven't actually been trying this whole time, have you?"

He smirked before giving me a kiss on the forehead, "I'm going now."

I watched as five Madaras appeared around me.


He looked at me before tilting his head and right when he did I slapped him.

There was a silence between us.

"Why?" he said.


"You killed all those people....all those people died because of you."

Madara's eyes narrowed, "I told you there were ugly sides to me. I didn't want you to see this."

I sighed as I looked away from him and he scoffed, "Take her back."

I watched as one of the Madara's picked me up and began moving me away.

"Bye Mitsuko," Madara said as he turned his back to me and jumped off to face the five kage.


He continued taking me quickly through the trees when...


A cloud of dust surrounded me so I couldn't see anything. I began to cough but once the smoke cleared I could see what was there.

Something had pierced through clone Madara. It was wood.

"Are you alright?"

A shinobi strong enough to defeat Madara's clone was standing behind me.

I shivered as I slowly turned around to face the shinobi.





There was a silence, "Hashirama-sama?"


Chapter 44 | Susanoo




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