(1) Strange

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Mitsuko POV

"Good morning," I heard a voice say from my left.

" Good morning," I responded quickly as I felt my feet rushing to get back home.

As usual, it was a foggy day in the village yet it was still happy and beautiful. I looked around at nothing in particular as I felt the wind blow on my face. For some reason I had a hunch that something interesting would happen today.

How strange.

The thought immediately left my mind when I spotted my house and entered it. I had an appointment today with a very important person.

As soon as I entered I heard my two little sisters arguing. I looked at my father who was reading a scroll and not even paying attention to what they were saying and I decided to do the same.

I waited patiently and finally-



I smiled, she was here.

My father finally decided to put his scroll down," I'll take it from here," he said.

I smiled as I happily skipped outside to see my very important person.

I was immediately embraced into an aggressive hug and I looked down to see my grandma.

"What took you so long?!" I said returning her hug.

She looked up at me with a smirk, "Is life in the village that boring that you want to be with me all the time?"

I looked at her before nodding.

For as long as I could remember life in this village seemed to move so slow, but recently it's been getting a little more interesting because of the new shinobi village founded six months ago.

Konohagakure, they called it.

Finally we made it to the edge of the village and I saw grandma's cottage. I immediately felt a sense of relief fill me up at the sight of it.

It was surrounded by flowers and we grew fruits and vegetables at the back of it.

I watched my grandma go inside and as soon as she did I rushed to the flowers up front and gently ran my fingers over the petals.

I remember planting these lilies a couple of months ago. They had grown in that small amount of time and now that it was spring they looked beautiful. I looked at all the other flowers that I had planted some time in my life and smiled.

I learnt everything I needed to know about these plants from my grandmother. She and I spent a lot of time together so I naturally got into liking vegetation. I always felt happiest when I was around plants.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my grandmother's voice, "Are you ready to go to the stream for the first time?"

I looked up at her before running over to her excited, "Of course!"

I'm sure she could sense the excitement in me because she smiled a bit, "Calm down a little."

She handed me two large buckets so I took them and walked away towards the forest. I followed the dirt path and looked at the trees. They were short, stubby and full of green. They were beautiful in general. I would have never volunteered to go the stream if the forest looked like the one near the west side of the village.

They were tall, skinny and foggy. They scared me. These ones were so much cuter.

Suddenly, my eyes drifted to a herb. A rare one. I frowned but then smiled. I immediately picked them up only to see that there were lots of them.

So, I went on a rampage picking up as many as I could and before I knew it one of my buckets was filled with them.

I sighed, I had to get back to finding the dirt path I was walking on. I looked to my left but then immediately frowned. Where was the path? I made a face of disgust.


I immediately panicked but then calmed down.

If I went north perhaps I would meet up with the path. I walked for a while still seeing nothing until I came to a large tree.

I moved one of the branches aside revealing a lake. I smiled and walked towards it in silence. Grandma described it as a stream, not a lake. I shrugged and looked up only to see there was a man on my right.

He had long flowing black hair and fair skin. His gaze suddenly landed on me and I took steps backwards.

I wanted to say something but I couldn't.

So I just stood there awkwardly.


Chapter 1| Strange



Enjoy :)

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