(36) Possessive

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Mitsuko POV

After I had that conversation with Madara a lot changed.

Mostly with me, at least.

I became more open to him and stopped trying to take my anger out on him.

I had talked to him about trying to use his chakra. He had told me I had such a thing inside of me.

I've been trying to learn how to use the chakra.

It's hard because I barely know how to access it but whenever I do Madara seems to become uneasy. It seems he already knows I'll probably never be able to use the chakra in a big way. My body can't handle it.

At least that's what his facial expression showed. He didn't like the fact that I did it at all. He probably preferred if I would just know what everything was then actually able to do it.

I found it strange but I guess it's him showing his soft side to me in the matter.

He probably didn't want me to get hurt. I shrugged before taking my hand and staring at it.

I was sitting on the ground playing with grass and seeds.

I had planted a few plants and they seemed to be growing fine which made me extremely happy.

Though, deep down I knew I wasn't supposed to be out here...at least not alone I was sick and tired of spending time in the hideout.

After all, Obito and Zetsu really didn't strike me as the friendly type at all.

I just wanted to spend time with Madara but he was always busy with the two of them.

"IT'S AS IF HE NEVER SPENDS TIME WITH ME!!!" I yelled to no one in particular.

I sighed as I looked up at the sky I wished he would spend more time with me.

I scoffed before rolling my eyes. He would come and do something for me eventually.

After all, we still slept in the same bedroom together.

I just wanted to be able to be with him during the day not only at night.

I got up slowly, perhaps I was being greedy.

I stared at the ground before taking a deep breath out. I truly could be a bit possessive sometimes.

I stared at the trees in the distance and in my mind I knew I wasn't supposed to go any further than here but I couldn't help it and I let curiosity get the best of me.

I began to walk deeper into wherever I was and soon enough. I saw many many flowers. I ran to go touch them but when I got there it wouldn't let me touch them. Yet again, Like when I first got here it was as if there was a border between me and the flowers.

An invisible wall.

Just then I heard something creeping behind me.

I looked back quick as a flash but I saw nothing. I scratched the back of my head slowly.

I thought I heard someone shuffling against the grass but it seemed I was wrong.

I sighed before looking forward and I stiffened.

"Why are you here Mitsuko?"

I looked up at the black haired Uchiha. How did he do that?

I gulped, "M-Madara, I thought you were doing-"

"I finished," he said cutting me off.

I nodded slowly before looking up at him with nervous eyes.

He spoke, "Why are you here? I told you not to go past the flowers you planted."

I frowned giving a slightly guilty expression, "I wanted to explore here badly."

He gave a slight chuckle before putting his hand on my head, "You simply never want to follow orders."

I bit my lip and he put his finger under my chin and pushed it upwards so my eyes met his.

I blushed heavily and he extended his hand to reach mine.

He took mine and began to walk with me, "Where are we going?" I asked.

"You were complaining about how I never spend time with me earlier."

I felt my cheeks heat up and I followed him I silence.

He carried me before literally walking up a tree and sitting me down.

I stared at him and as soon as I did his arms wrapped around me.

I stiffened but laid down on his chest.

This was what I had wanted for quite some time.

I stared up at his face before kissing his cheek gently.

He looked down at me with surprised eyes before resting his head on my shoulder.


It's been a whole week since I sat on a tree with Madara and since then there hasn't been a day when he doesn't spend time with me.

It surprises me everytime I think about it.

He's been extremely possessive of me lately.

I enjoy it actually until today came. He has completely stopped today.

I haven't seen him and even though it's been only a day it feels like a week.

It was night time when I finally saw him.

I rushed over to him to see him laying in bed eyes wide open and I climbed on top of him, "Why didn't you-"

I was cut off when he flipped me over so that he was now hovering above me.

I gulped.

"It took you long enough," he said his voice deeper than usual.

Suddenly he began to trail kisses down my neck and collarbone.

I stiffened.

"M-Madara," I said.

He immediately lifted his head.

"It's time," he said.

"Time for what," I asked.

"You're about to find out," he said before leaning closer to me.

"I want you," he said.


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