(37) Obito

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The next day...

I've been blushing all day and Madara seems to chuckle every time he sees me.

It's not as if he's even with me it's just that the thought of it keeps replaying in my mind.

I may be twenty-one but it was quite a foreign concept for me.

I sighed as I looked down at my hands before getting up.

I wanted to be able to use some of his chakra now but I couldn't so I just sat at one of the tables in silence.

Out of nowhere a familiar mask walked from out of the corner from nowhere.

I looked at it and looked down,"Hello Obito-san."

He looked at me acknowledging my existence before walking to the table and going on to do his business.

I stared at him and back down. Whenever I was in the same room with him I felt awkward.

I slowly got up and looked at him to see him remove his mask slowly and pull out a stack of papers out of nowhere.

I stared at it with wide eyes. It seemed Uchiha's were just prone to over working.

I stared at him for sometime before realizing I was probably interfering in business I did not need to be in.

I got up slowly before looking at him with narrowed eyes.

I wondered if he was actually human sometimes.

I shivered. At least he was better than Zetsu.

I gave a deep breath out before heading through the hideout and to Madara. He was in a separate room than me Obito or Zetsu. He was usually alone like this.

I walked through the hideout and checked the most obvious places but he wasn't there.

Not in the conference room, in the spare room or even in his room.

I scratched the back of my head before entering the rooms again and then checking a couple of rooms.

I opened the room to my left and finally, I saw him.

I walked in and as soon as I did I thought he would turn around but he didn't.

He continued facing forward. I gave a sigh before I put my hands on his shoulders. He still didn't turn around.

"Let me guess...," he finally spoke,"you're still blushing."

My cheeks felt hot all of a sudden and Madara finally turned around.

"Are you still embarrassed?"

I felt my cheeks,"N-No...I-I wasn't blushing b-before I- I j-j-just-"

I cut myself off as I watched him look down at me with amused eyes.
I looked away from him at once.

Out of nowhere he grabbed his gunbai and stared down at it.

"Oh, did I tell you..."

I looked up at him,"About what?"

"It seems I didn't tell you what all this preparation is for."

I looked at him with uneasy eyes,"What is it for?"

He made a straight face,"War. This is a direct way for me to attempt peace."

I looked at him with a straight face,"Is bloodshed part of peace."

He frowned and turned around away from me and I hugged his arm.

"Don't be mad at me," I said,"Anyway...can you teach me how to use your chakra that's inside me."

He rolled his eyes before looking down at my hands.

"Your hands are still innocent. Keep them that way," he said making me stiffen.

Madara POV

I wasn't sure what she was planning but I didn't want her to do anything risky.

I wanted her to stay the same. If she got hurt I would put it upon myself as my fault.

She looked up at me and smiled as she ran her fingers through my hair.

Yet again she couldn't help but touch and curl my hair.

Though, I didn't mind it that much.

"Alright, I won't practice any type of jutsu that's fine...for now."

I sighed before walking around her,"I have things I have to do," I said.

I suddenly felt her hand on my arm and I turned around.

"What's wrong?"

She was blushing and I chuckled.

"Don't work too hard," she said.

I nodded.

Mitsuko POV

I watched him walk away and I smiled.

Talking to him made me feel good. I skipped outside of the weapon room and into the hallways and when so passed the open room. I saw Obito staying completely still in one place.

I stared at him and my eyebrow rose. Was he sleeping?

I came close to him and still it didn't seem as if he was awake.

I blinked twice and I waved my hand in front of his face to make sure he was asleep before looking down at the table.

I stared at the table filled with his papers. I stared at one before picking it up.

Just as Madara had said before it was filled with things that seemed to be for the war.

I stared at in silence.

It seemed Madara wasn't the only one working hard.

Obito POV

Why was she looking and touching my papers? She had absolutely nothing to do with them.

She thought I was asleep so I had just decided I would go along with the act and she seemed to be reading them and putting them in order. She stacked them in a perfectly neat stack and put them on the table.

She stared at me before mumbling something and exiting the room.

I thought I could get back to work but she came back with a blanket.

She put it over me and for some reason, she looked concerned.

She stared down at me and I stayed still. I didn't know such a person would be compatible with Madara-sama. I saw why he kept her around though.

Out of nowhere, I felt his chakra appear and I heard him speak.

"Mitsuko what are you doing?" he said.

"He's sleeping so I decided I would let him rest easy," she said.

I could feel his gaze on me and he knew I wasn't sleeping.

"Right, he's sleeping. You should too."

She said a quiet okay and I heard her footsteps away from me before they disappeared.

A few more seconds passed and I heard Madara-sama's voice.

"She's gone. Stop pretending."

I immediately stripped off my mask.

"She's actually quite something."

He nodded,"I know."


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