(27) Crying

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Mitsuko POV

Business at the flower shop continued to boom until finally, it began to die down. Everyone knew who I was by now.

I was right about my salary being raised as she gave me nearly double because of how much orders we had gotten that week.

As for my father and sisters everything is fine with them.

Well, of course it's okay with them I'm getting married in two days.

I'm extremely nervous and something inside me is sad.

It's as if everything I've wanted has become twisted. Although it doesn't matter at this point. I only have two days until I get married.

It's not as if I can change it.

I was sitting at home on a mat alone in complete silence.

I couldn't bring myself to do anything. Just think to myself in silence. I was supposed to meet with Tobirama-sama. It was supposed to be the last day I saw him until then.

I frowned.

I had already met Hashirama formally and he was quite nice and just like before Tobirama was still the same.

I sighed.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my arm.

It was Hanako. I looked down at her and she looked up at me with a smile.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked.

I smiled,"Nothing much," I said,"except."

I leant closer to her before whispering in her ear,"I'm not sure what I should wear to see...you know."

Her eyes widened and she sat up straight,"I can help you," she said.

I smiled and realised it was going to be a very long evening.

It was night time when Hanako said goodbye to me and I said goodbye to the rest of my family.

I walked in the dark and even I had to admit that Hanako had down a good job picking out my clothes.

I was to meet him the same place where I saw the fireflies with him.

He had told me to come alone and even if he hadn't there was no way I would come with anybody else.

I walked to the place in silence. I was at a loss of words. I had no idea how to start a conversation.

All Ibknew was that I was scared. I was nervous. I felt short of breath.

I kept walking regardless.

I made it there and he wasn't there.

I checked behind me only to hear his voice.

"I'm here."

I turned back around and there he was.

I smiled,"Tobirama I was wondering where you were."

He nodded,"I saw you. I came a bit late because I had a few things to take care of," he looked down and back up,"we should go now shouldn't we?"

I nodded.

I walked behind him in silence.

I stoppe to look at the trees and when I realized I had fallen far behind him I ran to catch up with him.

That's when it hit me.

The feeling when you know you're being watched.

I looked around in silence.

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